Developers urged to pay contractors safety bonus as workplace accidents rise

The number of major accidents this year is “similarly worrying”, said Mr Zaqy. Despite a general drop over the last 10 years, the construction sector recorded 84 major injuries so far within the first half of 2022.

This could be the worst efficiency since 2014 when the figure is annualised to the whole of 2022, which the mature minister of condition called “disheartening and unacceptable”.

Providing the opening deal with at the forum, Mister Zaqy noted that the inculcation of a safety culture must start with top management, which property developers sit at the “very top of the construction sector”.

“As developers, you happen to be in the best placement to take safety management because you set WSH standards through your contract specifications when selecting contractors, ” this individual said.

“You determine the speed of work, and you are also in a position to incentive safe behaviour plus penalise poor ones. ”

Leader of REDAS Chia Ngiang Hong said that leadership styles are moving from a top-down hierarchical approach to becoming more collaborative.

“Today’s construction and infrastructure projects are usually increasingly complex and larger in range, which place even greater importance on basic safety at worksites through collaborative leadership, inch he said.

He added that collaborative leadership is even more important in times where there is a manpower crunch amid construction backlogs, cost escalation, supply chain problems and financial problems.


Giving an explanation of MOM’s enhanced measures to address the recent spate of accidents, Mr Zaqy said that the ministry has stepped upward enforcement and bending fines for WSH infringements.

This individual said that workers need to feel empowered to boost safety issues they see on the ground, therefore signboards at structure sites will show a QR program code linking to MOTHER, together with its protection hotline.

“They should raise red flags to their supervisors, however, if the supervisors do not listen, they need to know how they could report to MOM, ” he said.

The ministry has also revised the WSH Guidelines for Design for Safety, plus provided detailed check-lists for the reference of developers and companies. This way, they can include safety in the planning and design stage of projects, mentioned Mr Zaqy.

He also outlined that companies need to be self-motivated to be secure and this often depends upon what culture and procedures set by best management.

To encourage that, MOM is finalising the particular Code of Practice (COP) on Key Executives’ and Table of Directors’ WSH Duties and The write COP is available pertaining to public consultation.  

The POLICEMAN will spell out WSH responsibilities for management and boards, and the courts may think about the COP when evaluating the culpability of company leaders and its board, when an incident occurs.

“Some specific ways to arranged and demand higher WSH standards are: To take vendors’ plus contractors’ WSH overall performance into account when choosing them; to disqualify unsafe companies from getting awarded your agreements; and
to reward vendors and contractors with great WSH performance, ” he said.

The safety reward would be one way to prize the companies with great practices.  

“Here, I would like to commend the REDAS members that curently have this good exercise, ” said Mr Zaqy.

“For example, Keppel Land and City Advancements Limited, who have both introduced incentive strategies for good WSH performance for all their tasks.

“I anticipate more REDAS users demonstrating such solid safety leadership. ”

Mr Zaqy noted that a few REDAS members can also be using technology to improve safety standards.

Developers can also make use of the enhanced e-service CheckSAFE to find out more about a company’s safety record whenever appointing vendors.

“Taking CheckSafe information into account when choosing contractors will build a virtuous cycle where main contractors will certainly equate safety overall performance with business opportunities plus result in them managing your sites plus choosing their sub-contractors with safety in mind, ” he stated.

“In the end, developers benefit from stronger safety performance, decrease risk of function stoppage due to accidents, and certainly a much better reputation. ”