Deep Dive Podcast: Global IT outage – Are we relying on too few big tech companies?

Here’s an extract from the audio: &nbsp,

Steven Chia:
Did this happen even from a professional standpoint because there were n’t sufficient assessments in place? Do we not need to make sure that the system is functioning properly, or that whatever is integrated into the structure is done in a way that prevents things from happening like that? Was there a problem in this one?

Benjamin Ang:
There are a lot of theories that the quality assurance, was n’t tight enough for this particular (outage ). But also, in perspective, there are thousands of these going out every day, every week, every month, and so far, 99.9 per cent of ( the ) time it does n’t cause outages.

But is that appropriate?

Benjamin: &nbsp, I think we need to think about ( how ) it’s going to happen again. Simply put, it’s a function of our large amount and connectivity. We are going to need to have that rely. I’m aware that some people make fun of written board passes, but that’s incredibly resilient and that they are capable of doing so.

Crispina Robert:
Ben, on that point you were making about the written boarding pass, one of the big questions our audience asked was, why is n’t there some sort of proper backup for airlines, for example? Why is it that, just when something like this happens, therefore everybody’s scrambling to figure out how do we find people on the plane? There were people who missed their airlines too, right? If high-key businesses really need to increase down on an option?

It would be nice to include things like endurance drills, like we have fireplace drills, emergency drills, but that we practise it. But also bear in mind that we are moving forward in a universe that moves much faster than humans can.

Yes. How quickly is a board complete be written correctly?

Gaurav Keerthi: