Creativity in students? Easier for non-academic activities than schoolwork, Singapore teachers say

Creativity in students? Easier for non-academic activities than schoolwork, Singapore teachers say
Creativity in students? Easier for non-academic activities than schoolwork, Singapore teachers say


Instructors CNA spoke to applauded the elimination of some exams, such as the mid-year documents for primary and secondary school levels, which has allowed students to be more creative with alternative examination techniques like job function. &nbsp,

But on MOE’s drive to promote creativity in training, &nbsp, instructors said they have to balance this with providing” construction” for kids. &nbsp,

For instance, most teachers concentrate on making sure that individuals ‘ solutions correspond to the way tests are graded so that they perform well on the test. &nbsp,

” The syllabus requires them to answer some questions in a certain way,” according to the statement.” We also teach the kids that they have to follow the kids step by step, because you ca n’t just write anyhow. That really discourages them from attempting to think outside the box, according to Claire. &nbsp,

For Chinese language exams, more imaginative students might combine multiple points into a single sentence to sum up a long answer. However, they might need to include specific keywords in their answers to receive full scars. &nbsp,

” Basically, the meaning behind it is roughly the same. The issue is, however, that we still did adhere to the marking procedure. So it’s a bit like you’re forcing them not to be creative” .&nbsp, &nbsp,

A family of a 15- yr- older boy said that for subjects like mathematics, there is typically just one way to solve the question. &nbsp,

” It’s very hard for kids to look at the question and say, let’s find another way of doing this”, said Mr Aaron Koh. ” You apply this solution, these are the steps, and then you get the truth. There’s no reason for you to even try another way” .&nbsp,

Lily, who teaches English and writing in a secondary school, said she tells her students that there are no straight answers, but there are incorrect answers. &nbsp,

” I tell them that you can own creativity in your view, but what you need is solid justification for your interpretation”, she said, adding that it is easier to motivate artistic expression in writing sessions. &nbsp,

However, the markings for English essays are clearly set at 10 for information and 10 for speech use, and she assures her pupils that as long as they stay on point, it is simple to get a good score. &nbsp,

” My care with children is that they’re creative to the point of writing out of place”, she added. &nbsp,

According to Paulina, who also used to teach English and writing in a secondary school up until recently, the view educators can take even depends on the status of the pupils. &nbsp,

While she had some “geniuses” among her kids, she still had to respond to the lot. &nbsp,

” I believe that the best way to help the majority of the kids is to say,” This is the interview, this is what you should write to cater to the examination,”” I think.” So it was very uninspiring teaching” .&nbsp,

Paulina initially believed that student-initiated learning, in which children pursue their own interests and discover outside the education, was a wise idea.

While this is a government program, each school conducts this separately.

At Paulina’s class, the tasks students took on had situations and outcomes to accomplish. For instance, they had to add to society in some way. &nbsp,

The needs made the tasks a chore for kids and” fully ruined” their inspiration, she said.

According to NIE’s Associate Professor Heng, more recent curricula give students the chance to develop their imaginations and make connections to the real world.

However, it’s difficult to say whether these results have been based on actual experience because it’s “very many debatable” whether standard test results translate to creativity results. &nbsp,

Results in” Big C” creativity also need a wider ecosystem to support it, and factors outside of” Little C” parameters, said Assoc Prof Heng. &nbsp,

” Further, Singaporeans ‘ risk aversion and preference to maintain harmony may stifle their creativity along the” Big C “domain or in other types of creativity, including artistic creativity” .&nbsp,