Couple surrendered for allegedly posting defaulters” naked photos

Couple surrendered for allegedly posting defaulters' naked photos
Early on Monday night at his place in Prachin Buri state, Sri Maha Phot train captain Pol Col Mongkol Thopao interrogates the couple. ( Photo supplied )

A few reportedly posted nude photos of their missed customers at the Sri Maha Phot authorities station in the Sri Maha Phot district at 1.30 am on Monday for their part in the breach.

The 31-year-old lady and her father were interrogated for an hour by Sri Maha Phot place main Pol Col Mongkol Thopao&nbsp. The woman just claimed after the investigation that she and her husband were shocked by the circumstances and that they were unable to respond to reporters ‘ inquiries.

After learning that officials had searched their home for merit-making in the Sri Maha Phot area on Sunday night, the pair went to the northern province of Kalasin and their home was locked, according to Pol Col Mongkol, who said the pair had turned themselves in.

When they returned, the train chief said he therefore instructed them to turn themselves in.

The couple was accused of being loan sharks, posting images of naked people on computers, demanding payment without due process, and violating other people’s standing.

In Prachin Buri, Pol Col Mongkol claimed that the pair had no creditors.

A person who had earlier reportedly borrowed 500 ringgit from the suspect complained that his nude photo had been sent to his five sureties, including his own mother.

He claimed that the bank had instructed him to create uninsightly with his ID cards and had agreed to permit her release his image if he defaulted when he borrowed the money.

The bank reportedly charged him 100- bass regular attention. The creditor claimed to have paid the attention on time for six weeks, but his nude photo was taken just as he defaulted for one day in the sixth week. The man was born in the state of Chachoengsao.

For the same reason, the bank reportedly gave the order to female debtors to pose for photos while maintaining their naked bodies.