Commentary: Will India’s name go the way of Turkey and Türkiye?

Commentary: Will India’s name go the way of Turkey and Türkiye?

The Philippines, where I was born, has been at odds with its title for more than a century. It originates from” Islas Felipinas ,” which Spanish explorers bestowed upon the islands in honor of the country’s then-heir to the throne, & nbsp, The Future Philip II, who would dispatch that armada against England in 1588. It’s an humorous holdover from a colonial energy that for 300 years ruled the island.

A number of decades ago, an attempt was made to rename the nation” Maharlika ,” a pre-Spanish word for nobility. Although some patriots were passionate, it was too late to catch on because it came from the past. Instead, Filipinos have adopted the slang term” pinoy ,” which is a little irreverent, to describe themselves. With that to & nbsp, perhaps a portmanteau national name can be created that captures the essence of the nation. & nbsp,


Or perhaps it is irrelevant. Being confident in your identity and choosing to live with the name you have or with a & nbsp, babel of them, may be the better part of bravery( and value, should you need to worry about branding budget ).

Germans refer to their nation as Deutschland, but Poles, French, German, Chinese, and Danes call it” Niemcy ,”” Allemagne ,” and” Deguo.” Regardless of their title, the Germans ( who were once East and West themselves ) are still very European.

Confoederatio Helvetica is the Latin using that covers Switzerland’s four official dialects, hardly a font, according to its constitution. The Alpine state won’t soon be mistaken for another location. Yet Spanish are able to distinguish between Suiza residents and Suecia( Sweden ) residents. & nbsp,

China doesn’t demand that foreign listeners address it as Zhongguo. Japan doesn’t have to be referred to as Nihon-koku( unless you want to ).

As it stands, the Turks have generally referred to their nation as Türkiye, and Bharat is now widely used in India. These names may live with those used by the rest of the world.

There is no need to compel general conformity. at least not right away. Provide the rest of us some time to come near.