Commentary: Time to rethink Singapore’s ’30 by 30′ food resilience, amid local farm setbacks


If Singapore strive to be more self-sufficient in terms of meals and more stable in terms of food security? The no- brainer answer is yes, but that does n’t mean it is straightforward.

As a small area, Singapore will always be centered on food imports, also if 30 by 30 is achieved. Therefore, this should be a play that emphasizes foods endurance rather than security.

This detail shifts the thinking and tale: What does it mean to be adaptable? How to safe this endurance? And interestingly, where else do we need to spend and obtain buy- in within a larger program beyond Singapore?

Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing stressed the value of supply chain communication partnerships, which maintain the circulation of partner countries ‘ foods and other essential items, in the early stages of COVID-19. During the epidemic, Malaysian food exports did not experience significant problems.

The value of developing relationships was also demonstrated in August 2023 when Singapore was exempt from India’s grain export restrictions as a result of a “very close proper relationship.”

Therefore, the larger whole-of-system technique that considers different ways to ensure food resilience needs to be included in 30 by 30. What will need more work in the future of Singapore’s meal system.

But in the end, even if 30 by 30 is a vision, it is a dream for pursuing.

Paul Teng is a professor at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore’s Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies ( RSIS ).