Commentary: Teaching children to care about the environment starts at home

Despite having fewer tools and less experience than our parents, this original design highlights the potential of our children to effect true change.

However, it’s concerning that only 21 % of CEOs in Asia Pacific view climate change as a top priority in 2024, according to an EY survey. Teenagers and other young people should take responsible climate activity, according to people.


Our children have a lot to tell us, just as we try to instill weather awareness in our children.

My girl enjoys reading a lot of marine environment books because she is excited about them. She was chosen as a fresh sea scientist to signify her primary school in a panel discussion organized by the Nature Society Singapore with the help of her teachers.

As this was during the COVID- 19 phase of residence- based learning, the conference was held on Zoom and was open to the public. Her parents, family users and our companions joined the program and learnt much, while encouraging the kids on the board.

Shortly thereafter, my girl urged us to let her get public transport. I think her teachers started the right discussions with her students about the economic effects of her transport choices.