Commentary: Oscars 2023 winners show you’re never past your prime

His first job as a salesperson lasted only months as the company folded soon after he joined. His first business, a construction and interior design firm he started with friends in 1994, failed three years later, saddling him with several hundreds of thousands in debt. He went on to start several businesses over the next few years – and failed each time. It was only in his 40s that he finally tasted success.


These days, there’s nothing stopping you from continuing to explore and pursue new passions, challenges and adventures well into your 60s, 70s and beyond.

Just look around you and you’ll see many older folks doing interesting new things their way. There’s former graphic designer Ong Bee Yan, who started a business selling cold brew coffee at the age of 60 when her husband got retrenched.

At 65, she was scouted by a local designer to appear on a brand campaign, and has gone on to build a flourishing modelling portfolio, as well as a strong social media presence (@grey_evolution) where she posts about her life as an entrepreneur, grandmother and model, to inspire other seniors to step out and do something different.

And for all of those who dreamed of being a model in their youth, Platinum Angels Management (PAM), the first agency in Singapore and Asia that exclusively represents talents over the age of 50, believes age is not a limit. As founder and former model Pat Kraal said: “It is not the end of the world just because you’re 60 – it’s just the beginning.”

Still not convinced? Here’s more inspiration from past Oscar winners.

Sophia Loren, now 88, has said: “There is a fountain of youth: It is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”

Or how about this from Helen Mirren, who’s 77? “Your 40s are good.  Your 50s are great. Your 60s are fab. And 70 is f****** awesome!” she’s been quoted as saying.

Tracy Lee is a freelance writer based in Singapore who writes about food, travel, fashion and beauty.