Commentary: How can we expect children to be honest when we lie to them?


Is it possible to prevent lying completely?

In some instances, telling lies may seem appropriate to protect your child or keep them innocent. It is easier to say,” the bass is sleeping”, than to break the bad news about their dog.

However, taking the time to discuss a critical issue to your baby, at a level that they can understand, is crucial for their growth. Children can learn to manage sorrow by learning from a type family in an age-appropriate and delicate manner.

We frequently undervalue the intelligence of our children as parents as well as their endurance in the face of difficult decisions like loss, sadness, or the death of a dog.

A way to determine family’s level of understanding and preparation is by asking:” Well, what do you think”? This enables them to express their ideas and feelings, helping to shape the conversation in a way that is appropriate for their development needs.

If telling a lie is essential, it might be wise to talk about it with them when they are older and more understandable, as opposed to letting them learn that their parents have lied to them in the history.

When it comes to encouraging kids without lying, rely on praising the work rather than the process. They demonstrate their hard work and creativity by commenting on the process in a positive way, such as” You used so many colors in the drawing and drew different styles with them.”

In the case of fairy tales, it is possible to love the narratives without having faith in them.

Fairy tales frequently contain favorable messages or aspects of society’s difficulties, and they give people the chance to talk about excellent narrative and the part of characters. Santa Claus, for example, can be a mark of generosity and kindness. Children can learn about the healthy development operation through the tooth fairy.