Commentary: Global brands need to change the way they court Chinese consumers

Commentary: Global brands need to change the way they court Chinese consumers


The next tactics can be used by companies to pique the interest and independence of fresh Chinese consumers.

Second, companies can tailor their items to match the local culture. KFC, one of the earliest fast-food bars to provide China, exemplifies successful localised marketing. It has consistently expanded its menu to include dishes that go beyond fried chicken and reflect local culinary traditions.

For instance, KFC introduced things like the Old Beijing Chicken Roll, a smile to Beijing’s popular roast goose, and local variants such as Seafood Egg Porridge in Shanghai. This method is successful because Gen Z and millennials are the most common fast-food restaurants, according to our most recent cross-generation consumer review.

Next, high-quality products that deliver on their promises are non-negotiable. Apple’s unwavering acceptance with Chinese customers may be attributed to its commitment to quality. Its materials, perceived as status symbols, coincide with the needs of millennials and Gen Z for advanced, reliable systems.

Second, companies had utilise online platforms for advertising. Alaba and JD. web have mastered modern engagement, incorporating social media into marketing campaigns, and utilizing big data to customize customer tips.