Commentary: A US$25 million Hong Kong deepfake scam shows new AI risks in video calls


For the most part, this is unknown country, but here’s what the Hong Kong target might have done to place the scam and what we’ll all need to perform moving forward for private video calls.

To determine who you are speaking to, primary employ visual cues. If you’re unsure, ask your video conference partner to write a word or phrase on paper and record it for the camera. Deepfakes still ca n’t perform complex movements in real time. Deepfakes may find it challenging to reality imitate in real-time gestures like touching their ears or waving their hands, so you might ask them to choose up a local book or do something special.

Next, pay attention to the teeth. Watch out for eyelid updating discrepancies or odd facial expressions that go beyond the usual connection hiccup.

Third, use multi-factor verification. To ensure that members are who they claim to be, consider holding a secondary talk during delicate sessions via email, SMS, or an id game.

Fourth, utilize additional safe channels. You and the other attendees of important meetings could use an encrypted messaging apps like Signal to ensure your personalities or validate decisions, such as financial dealings, through those same channels.

Update your application, second. If your video conferencing software has security features to find deepfakes, make sure you’re using the most recent version. ( Zoom Video Communications did not respond to inquiries about whether it intends to provide its users with access to such detection technology. )

Avoid unidentified video conferencing platforms, fifth. Use well-known platforms with somewhat robust security measures, such as Zoom or Google Meet, especially for sensitive meetings.

Seventh, keep an eye out for unusual behavior and action. Some tactics have stood the test of time. Be wary of last-minute meetings that involve important decisions, urgent requests for money, or changes to someone’s tone, language, and speaking fashion. Beware of any attempt to jump a decision because swindlers frequently employ stress techniques.