Chinese pundits like Walz pragmatism in US trade war – Asia Times

Some Chinese critics believe that Timothy Walz’s run-off against Kamala Harris, who is also the Democratic nominee for president, may increase bilateral dialogue and foster pragmatism in their trade relations. &nbsp,

The 60-year-old Minnesota Governor has been attacked by the Republicans for his personal relationships to China and his opposition to then-President Donald Trump’s trade war since he became Harris ‘ running mate on August 6.

Walz, who has been the government of agriculture-heavy Minnesota since 2018, said in 2019 that Trump had to” began doing this job and close the trade war with China” as tariffs may harm US producers.

Some European columnists claim that Walz’s decades of experience in China are a benefit to the US rather than a liability. And a Bloomberg content claimed Walz is a steadfast supporter of human rights after criticizing Beijing’s treatment of Tibet and Hong Kong and supporting resolutions that condemned some of those crimes. &nbsp,

Walz is more aggressive toward China than detractors claim, according to a BBC article.

  • co-sponsored a solution in Congress recognizing the 20th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.
  • supported the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.
  • met the Dalai Lama, the highest moral president and nose of Tibetan Buddhism. &nbsp,

Mao Ning, a director of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, was asked by a foreign blogger on August 7 about Beijing’s perspective on Walz. She said that the US presidential poll is” the home matter of the US,” and she did not want to post on Walz.

We hope that the US will cooperate with China in the same way under the principles of reciprocity, peaceful coexistence, and win-win assistance, and work for a solid, sound, and sustainable growth of China-US relations for the benefit of both nations and the rest of the world, she said. &nbsp,

” Rational and rational”

Most Foreign observers showed respect for Walz in their papers, which were commonly circulated on the highly censored online in China, despite Beijing’s decision to avoid immediately mentioning US votes.

A Shanxi-based journalist writes in a commentary that” Walz has strong positions on national security, environmental protection, and human rights issues while attempting to maintain a rational economic partnership with China.” Walz is not simple to refer to as a bird or falcon, she said. It appears that he is willing to find a balance between pragmatism and principles” .&nbsp,

According to a critic from Jiangxi, the Trump and Biden governments have consistently displayed their haughty and intolerance toward China. He claims that the Harris-Walz administration might take a more logical and logical position on China-related problems. &nbsp,

According to a critic named Taola, Chinese citizens are 99 % positive about Walz, and some even wish he were the US president rather than vice president. &nbsp,

Republicans were criticized by some other Taiwanese analysts for attacking Walz. However, they stated that they are unsure whether Walz will be able to reverse the anti-China attitude in the US.

” When Walz asked Trump to stop the trade war with China, he was just speaking for the sake of US interests”, Liu Yong, a Hubei-based defense poet, says in an essay. ” Walz gave his opinions rationally and objectively”.

It’s ironic that a US legislator who really cares about the country’s interests is now labeled as “pro-China,” Liu claims. There is an outrageous phenomenon in the US where someone who claims to be” not being completely anti-China” is now known as” not being anti-China at all”

He points out that Walz does not support China, noting that the prospect has occasionally criticized China.

Toeing the Foreign Ministry’s standard line, Liu says both the Republican Party and the Democrat Party if proper their anti-China culture. He claims that Democrats are hypocritical while Republicans are actual criminals. &nbsp,

( In the Foreign language, there are three types of competitors: gentlemen, fools and villains. The last two are equally nasty. )

” Walz’s China experience can help the US government understand Foreign people’s beliefs, behaviours and motives”, a Henan-based journalist called Zewen says in an article. This may have a beneficial effect on the communication between the most powerful US and Chinese figures.

Walz will continue to hold a hardline stance against China, Zewen adds. His stance on China is not as dramatic as Donald Trump’s. ” If the Harris-Walz group wins the election, it’s possible that Washington will remain the Biden administration’s plan to control China on economic things”.

He continues, saying Beijing is not really interested in electing the future US president or vice leader. He claims that Beijing just cares about the state of Sino-US connections and hope that the US will resolve disputes with China through dialogue. &nbsp,

According to some other critics, Trump may prefer the Harris-Walz group because he has pledged to establish a 60 % tax on Chinese goods if elected president. &nbsp,

Investigation of Walz

Over the past two days, Republicans have expressed fears about Walz’s more than 30 visits to China. They demanded more details about his activities as a professor in China in the 1990s and his business, which had sent US individuals to China for a few years around the early 2000s. &nbsp,

The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability opened an investigation into Walz’s long-standing ties to Chinese Communist Party (CCP ) organizations and officials on August 16. &nbsp,

Walsh has traveled to China numerous times, spent time with a Chinese institution’s president, and spoke with a Chinese official who the State Department claimed was trying to influence and impact local leaders. The British people should fully comprehend how complex Walz’s partnership with China is.

Comer claimed that the committee has written to Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) Director Christopher Wray to request information, documents, and communications about the CCP-connected organizations and people Walz has worked with and collaborated with. &nbsp,

He claimed that FBI informers just informed the committee that China’s Foreign Influence Task Force is looking into CCP related task. &nbsp,

Read more: US tightens China-chip quotas in response to outdated Cold War diktats.

Observe Jeff Pao on X: &nbsp, @jeffpao3