China to speed up ‘new productive forces’, vice president says

Foreign companies have been attempting to resolve the introduction of a wider anti-espionage law, investigations into consultancies and due diligence firms, and exit bans with Taiwanese leaders’ public attitudes toward outside investment.

According to data released on Friday ( Mar 22 ), foreign investment flows into China decreased by nearly 20 % in the first two months of the year. Officials have been making more efforts to attract investors at a time when many businesses have been pursuing “de-risk” supply chains and operations away from China.

The China Development Forum took place from March 24 through March 25 at the Invest China Summit. A hectic year of business politics for international CEOs is set for the Bo’ao Forum in Hainan, which is sometimes referred to as Asia’s response to the World Economic Forum meetings in Davos.

At the same time, the CEOs of floor and elevator company Otis, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, and Novonesis, the petroleum giant, and Otis, all expressed help for the Chinese market.

By the end of 2025, Pfizer’s Director Albert Bourla stated that his company plans to send 17 new medicine or sign uses in China, while Pascal Soriot, the CEO of AstraZeneca, stated that his company anticipates “environ 100 drugs and evidence in China in the next five years.”