China simulates full-scale invasion of Taiwan – Asia Times

After highlighting China’s intrusions and military threats in his opening statement on Monday, the People’s Liberation Army on Thursday conducted extensive joint military exercises around Taiwan. &nbsp,

However, an act that will lower the Lai president’s capabilities has led to a political battle in the Congressional Yuan this week. Beijing hopes that Lai will be burned out by the legislative story and prevented from pursuing” Taiwan democracy,” according to some observers.

On Thursday night, the PLA’s Eastern Theater Command announced that it had begun two-day joint military drills centered around the area of Taiwan.

The training, called the” Joint Sword- 2024A workouts”, are being conducted in the Taiwan Strait – including places around the archipelago of Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqi and Dongyin – as well as to the northwest, south and east of Taiwan Island. &nbsp,

The most recent Army drills could lead to possible follow-ups this year, according to Chieh Chung, a scientist at the Taipei-based Association of Strategic Foresight, who spoke to Taiwan’s Central News Agency. &nbsp, &nbsp,

For the first time in recent years, Taiwan’s surrounding islands have been included in the nine designated areas for the Army exercises, which indicates that Beijing wants to create a full-scale Taiwanese armed conquest of Taiwan, he said. &nbsp,

A total of 16 Army ships, 19 Foreign beach watch vessels and 49 warplanes had been detected near Taiwan as of 6 pm on Thursday, announced Huang Wen- chin, assistant commander of the Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense’s Office of the General Staff for Intelligence. &nbsp,

He added that none of the PLA vessels or aircraft ever landed merely off Taiwan’s beach in the 24 nautical-mile area. He claimed that the nine designated places were free of live-fire training by Taiwan’s military causes. &nbsp,

The latest drills are a decisive sentence for the Taiwan local party’s controversial May 20 speech, which aimed to “invite” a harsh warning to foreign forces that supported” Taiwan independence” while interfering with China’s domestic affairs, according to Chen Binhua, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the PRC’s State Council.

The mainland will take decisive action to resolutely crush their plot and safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Chen said, “if the Taiwanese independence and separatist forces insist on going their own way and taking risks.” &nbsp,

He claimed that mainland China’s countermeasures only target Taiwan’s activities and interference with foreign forces, not Taiwan’s citizens.

Kuomintang’s stance

In his inauguration speech on Monday, Lai declared that Taiwan would strengthen its national security and defense systems to defend itself from China’s threats and infiltrations. &nbsp,

He argued that China should stop making verbal and military threats to Taiwan and that it should carry out its international obligations to support the preservation of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

After then-US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defied Beijing’s warning and visited the island on August 4 through 6, 2022, the PLA conducted military exercises at six locations encircling Taiwan.

The PLA conducted yet another round of extensive military exercises close to Taiwan in April 2023. The most extensive drills ever conducted in a year are now underway. &nbsp,

Kuomintang ( KMT ), a Beijing- friendly political party in Taiwan, on Thursday in a statement called on the Chinese Communist Party to” stop unnecessary measures, avoid conflicts across the Taiwan Strait, and cherish the results of cross- Strait peaceful development” .&nbsp,

The KMT urged” the other side of the Taiwan Strait to exercise restraint” .&nbsp,

Real battlefield&nbsp,

Although the KMT only holds 46 % of the legislative body’s seats, its representative Han Kuo-yu was elected president in early February. &nbsp,

The Legislative Yuan, which is currently the most important minority with eight seats, has recently been amended to reform the Yuan, expand its investigative powers, and enact new laws that would restrict the government’s investigative powers.

On Tuesday, at least 30, 000 protestors gathered in front of the Legislative Yuan to oppose the amendment bill. On TV, some lawmakers in the chamber tense scenes and ochaotic scenes were spotted. &nbsp,

Japanese journalist Akio Yaita quoted Chinese dissident Yuan Hongbing as saying Beijing had asked the KMT to support the TPP’s bill and stir up chaos in the chamber. He claimed that the Legislative Yuan is actually China’s and Taiwan’s real conflict. &nbsp, &nbsp,

Some observers claimed that the DPP’s desire for an independent Taiwan could be limited by the KMT TPP alliance’s ability to create a balance of power inside the country. &nbsp,

Over the past 16 years, Lai said on Monday that the situation has not changed that none of the three major political parties have the power to control more than 50 % of the legislative seats.

He added that as long as all parties follow the law and work together, this might be an opportunity for improvement.

Win people’s hearts

Zheng Yongnian, a Chinese political scientist and commentator, says in an article on Monday that although evidence shows that Taiwan is increasingly promoting independence, Beijing must not misjudge the situation. &nbsp, &nbsp,

He claims that most Taiwanese do n’t want to fight on the mainland, but that Washington has also taken steps to prevent military conflict in the Taiwan Strait. &nbsp,

” Military is not the only way to resolve the Taiwan issue”, he says. ” As long as there is a one- in- 10, 000 chance, we should continue to push forward peaceful reunification with Taiwan”.

He recommends that Beijing use” carrot and stick” to achieve its objectives, such as by unilaterally granting trade benefits or sending tourists to Taiwan in an effort to win Taiwan’s hearts and deter separatists. &nbsp,

Read: China curbs US arms makers for selling to Taiwan

Follow Jeff Pao on Twitter: &nbsp, @jeffpao3