China has deployed its latest conventional attack boat (SSK) in army exercises off Taiwan, ostensibly in preparation for a submarine blockade against the self-governing isle.
On August 11, Naval News documented that China deployed its latest SSK with its East Sea Navy, the People’s Liberation Army – Navy blue (PLA-N) lead development for a Taiwan Strait scenario. The survey also said that the SSK is based at the protected Daxie Dao Submarine Base along with older Yuan-class boats.
This new SSK and other models would play a substantial role in any upcoming blockade of Taiwan. As previously reported in Asia Times , a naval blockade would shut down Taiwan’s economy in a few days and likely drive capitulation.
Taiwan reportedly has only an 11-day supply of natural gas and 146 days’ worth of oil. The blockade would try to starve and ease Taiwan while starting the way for a possible invasion.
Defense analyst Michael O’Hanlon notes in a 2022 news. au. com article that to minimize the risk in order to PLA-N ships plus aircraft, China may use SSKs as the principal asset to impose a blockade. On this scenario, O’Hanlon records that China’s SSKs would target boats going in and out of Taiwan’s ports, with Taiwan being hard-pressed to counter China’s submarine operations.
In addition , he notes that using SSKs to enforce a blockade would not place “loyal Chinese citizens” at risk, possibly talking about Taiwan’s civilian inhabitants. Using SSKs can also mean that battle failures and mission problems would be easier to hide, which minimizes the possibility of a domestic backlash should China choose military force against Taiwan.
Towards a submarine blockade, O’Hanlon notes which the US and Taiwan would respond using a convoy system plus anti-submarine warfare (ASW) operations east of Taiwan. In this cat-and-mouse scenario, China wins if it can kitchen sink enough ships until the US and its allies can no longer maintain safe passage to Taiwan’s ports, while the US and its allies win if they can search and sink all China’s submarines.

With 80 submarines, the PLA-N Submarine Force has the largest submarine to surface area vessel ratio of any navy, notes Loro Horta in the Cross Times . Of those, 67 are conventionally powered, while six are nuclear.
Horta also notes China’s focus on building SSKs, pointing out that Taiwan is the PLA-N’s instant priority, and its submarines do not need the limitless range afforded simply by nuclear power.
He notes that even though nuclear-powered submarines (SSN) can dive deeper than SSKs, the particular shallow waters of the Taiwan Strait nullify this advantage. In addition , he says that SSKs can move rapidly within the confines of the Taiwan Strait, getting rid of SSNs’ speed benefit.
Should Tiongkok attempt an all out blockade of Taiwan, its submarines would need to cross the Miyako Strait, which is seriously defended by The japanese using formidable ASW capabilities.
In the 2020 Forbes article , defense analyst David Axe notes that will Japan’s entire navy is optimized designed for ASW warfare. For instance , Japan operates 22 conventional attack submarines, whose capabilities are considered among the world’s best. Adding to this huge and capable boat fleet, Japan offers two Asahi-class destroyers optimized for ASW warfare.
Furthermore, Japan operates a substantial number of ASW airplane, including 70 P-3 Orion, 33 Kawasaki P-1, and a considerable number of Mitsubishi H-60 ASW helicopters which could operate from the products of its helicopter companies and other surface combatants.
Within a Taiwan blockade scenario, Hua Dan, a China’s Army Anatomist Academy lecturer, records in Forbes Japan’s possible strategy to damage China’s submarine navy.
First, The japanese and allied pushes would perform an “active offense” using missile and air flow attacks against China’s submarine bases, shipyards and torpedo manufacturing facilities and mine the exits through China’s ports.
Second, Japanese ships and planes would establish a “blockade zone” around Okinawa in order to intercept any of China’s submarines that attempted to break into the Pacific cycles.
Third, The japanese and its allies would certainly conduct “encirclement plus annihilation” combat, investigating and destroying any kind of Chinese submarines that will slip past the blockade zone. In such a marketing campaign, Hua notes that Japanese and allied ships and planes would escort helpful shipping to defend the latter against a Chinese language submarine attack.
In comparison, US ASW capabilities consisting of formidable assets such as SSNs, ASW-capable ships, maritime patrol aircraft and surveillance ships are aimed against China’s nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBN), which might have severe implications for regional proper stability.

A 2018 research by the Carnegie Endowment Center makes the distinction among US strategic and tactical ASW capabilities. Strategic ASW is certainly aimed at hunting SSBNs, while tactical ASW is directed towards SSKs and other varieties of submarines.
The particular paper notes the fact that US approach to proper ASW is led by Cold Battle doctrine, which entails placing Soviet SSBNs on a constant threat. However , it also emphasizes the distinguishability problem, noting that proper ASW against China’s SSBNs can harm local strategic stability.
It also mentions that will China may combine conventional and nuclear weapons on a single system – in this case, SSBNs would blur the distinction between nuclear and conventional forces. As a result, US ASW capabilities may inadvertently threaten China’s undersea nuclear arsenal, resulting in dangerous and needless risks.
The particular paper also notes that the US might have quantitative problems in trying to track plus threaten China’s SSBNs. Based on Cold War practices, it records that five SSNs may be needed to track just one SSBN.
As China’s SSBNs and other submarines become stealthier, more SSNs and other ASW property may be required to track them, with the document mentioning that there were several occasions that the entire US Navy blue had to deploy to track just one Soviet submarine.
Such a situation would further strain an already overextended US submarine power, impacting their crews’ readiness. It would also draw resources in order to building more SSNs over SSBNs, which may unfavorably impact the US’ undersea nuclear deterrent.
As such, the paper information that at the proper level China is worried about shielding its SSBNs from US attack, while the US is faced with whether they have enough SSNs to track China’s rapidly-improving SSBNs and other submarines.
Naval News records that the new SSK represents the cutting edge of China’s typical submarine technology.
However , it is not very clear on its nomenclature noting that Traditional western analysts refer to this as the Type-39C/D. It also notes that it was built-in Wuhan, fitted out there in Shanghai and commissioned just a calendar year after launch, presenting China’s rapid naval shipbuilding prowess.
This swift procedure may be explained by the possibility that the Type-39C/D is an evolution, not really a revolution, in China’s submarine designs.
In a 2022 news. au. com article , Xie Rui, Wuchang Shipbuilding Backyard Deputy Director, described that the class is equipped with 60% newly researched and improved machines and underwent program reconfiguration.
China’s Type-39C/D appears to possess a lot of similarities along with Sweden’s upcoming A-26 conventional attack submarine.
In a 2021 post , The Warzone notes the sail of China’s Type-39C/D features an curved design, making it distinctive among China’s submarines. This feature will be shared with Sweden’s A-26 submarines and is believed to maximize stealth by reducing radar returns.
This style may increase the Type-39C/D’s chances of stealthily leaving port and visiting its area of functions with less risk of being detected.
Although this can be the most prominent similarity between the two submarines, it may be superficial, powered by common design requirements rather than China’s Type-39C/D being an downright copy of Sweden’s A-26 submarine. The original source notes that the modified sail design is probably related to improvements within the submarine’s sonar and communications systems.
In terms of hull design, a 2021 article simply by Naval News notes that this A-26 features much more blended lines, using a seamless merge between the sail’s leading edge plus less blended reduced section.
Both submarines also have different hydroplane placements, along with those of the A-26 positioned along the edge of the chine. At the same time, the Type-39C/D keeps the lower and more forwards placement from the older Yuan class.
The source also records that both the A-26 and Type-39C/D feature traditional cruciform rather than the newer X-rudder style, the upper section of that is believed to house a towed array sonar, a significant upgrade through the previous Yuan-class submarines.

The Warzone furthermore mentions that the Type-39C/D features air-independent propulsion (AIP) but will not specify the technologies used. Instead, it notes that the submarine could use closed-cycle Stirling engines, as with Sweden’s Gotland-class submarines or lithium batteries present in Japan’s Soryu-class.
The Stirling motor uses liquid air and diesel to drive electric generators with regard to propulsion or battery recharging, although it produces less power, producing the submarine move slowly. In contrast, li (symbol) batteries offer greater power density, improved endurance at high-speed, quicker charging, lengthier battery life and reduced maintenance.
In terms of armament, Naval News reports that the Type-39C/D may deploy exactly the same weapons as its Yuan-class predecessors, such as wire-guided torpedoes, naval mines, and anti-ship missiles. In addition , the source notes that it may start land-attack cruise missiles from its torpedo pipes.