China backs targeting of shady firms

Envoy celebrates 49 times of political relations

Chinese ambassador, Han Zhiqiang
Foreign ambassador, Han Zhiqiang

Han Zhiqiang, the Taiwanese adviser, has assured the local regulators that Beijing supports ending dark Chinese industry in Thailand while also promoting diplomatic cooperation.

Mr. Han made the remarks at a lecture on Tuesday to celebrate the 49th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two nations.

A Chinese-language poster marketing a 30-day support for those seeking a foreign passport or membership that was spotted over the weekend in Bangkok, Thailand, sparked a flurry of protests.

According to Mr Han, more than 2, 400 Chinese companies now operate in Thailand, of which about 1, 400 have passed inspections by the Board of Investment ( BoI ).

Most are in the manufacturing and construction sectors, he said. They create rewards for Thailand through selection, investment and cultural and education initiatives, he said.

In addition, Taiwanese entrepreneurs own smaller businesses in the service sector.

There are more than 700 Chinese cuisine businesses in Bangkok.

However, some opportunities in this type may use dark capital for investment, Mr Han said.

” As for Chinese investors who invest in Thailand singly, some of whom are also connected to dark businesses, we admit that we see quite a few issues.

They harm the advantages and put pressure on Thai SMEs ‘ ability to compete. Some may also be in violation of Thai legislation. The Thai and Chinese officials should closely collaborate to enforce the law in this regard, he said.

Mr. Han stated that China is willing to support Thailand in trade and investment, particularly in commerce and agricultural goods.

According to his statement, complete deal worth between China and Thailand is US$ 120 billion, with China having a business glut of US$ 35 billion.

More than 85 % of China’s imported goods are capital goods, such as silicon sheets, that Thailand is further grow and export.

Mr. Han claimed that Silicon Sheets from China were imported after Chinese firms started manufacturing solar body bedding in Thailand.

Last month, goods reached$ 1.2 billion. At the same time, Thailand has exported solar cell panel to foreign nations, especially Europe, fair$ 3 billion.

Mr. Han stated that China is pleased with Thai exports and is willing to support Thailand in growing its exports to China, particularly agricultural products, which account for 42 % of total.

Foreign tourists spent$ 10 billion here last year, he added.