Emerging digital technology, alternative data and financial inclusion in Cambodia – Southeast Asia Globe

Securing a loan can be a life-changing event, allowing people to access the capital necessary to start a business, buy a home, and invest in their future. But for Cambodia’s large underbanked and unbanked population, difficulty in accessing financial services, and an absence of the financial data used to assess creditworthiness, can make getting a loan challenging. According to the National Bank of Cambodia, only 59 percent of the adult population have access to formal financial services, leaving 41 percent either accessing informal financial services or no financial services at all.

However, developments in Cambodia’s lending landscape offer cause for optimism. The explosion in Cambodia’s fintech ecosystem, paired with the growing potential of alternative-data credit frameworks, could provide a path towards financial inclusion for those previously left out of the conversation.

Acccording to Ms. Phal-Chalm Theany, Secretary General of the Association of Banks in Cambodia, “Alternative data has tremendous potential for contributing to financial inclusion by complementing traditional financial data that banks have. They range from information on mobile wallet transactions to information on user behavior on digital platforms that can be utilized for risk assessment of individuals and MSMEs.” 

Most financial institutions use debt repayment history and bank and credit files to determine the creditworthiness of potential borrowers. Driven by digitalisation and developments in technologies such as data analytics and machine learning, alternative credit scoring is based on any form of non-traditional information that can provide insights into the ability and propensity of borrowers to pay back loans. Telecom and utility payment histories, as well as digital footprints and mobile data, can all be utilised to assess creditworthiness within these frameworks.

Banks in Cambodia are increasingly looking to tap alternative data for serving the unbanked and underbanked.

“Data in Cambodia is still very much fragmented and held across multiple organizations and institutions,” said Mr. Mach Chan, CEO of Phillip Bank in Cambodia. “Many people do not have formal loans from financial institutions. This makes it challenging to predict their repayment capacities. If Phillip Bank can easily assess aggregated alternative data, we can better assess a borrower’s creditworthiness based on their social and behavioral indicators, and spending patterns and habits. This allows us to form a more complete picture of the borrower’s risk profile, with opportunities to offer cheaper loans to less risky customers, regardless of whether they are banked. Additionally, many SMEs are not formally registered making lending a challenge. If banks can access the payments data of these MSMEs, the financial Industry will be more confident to support the needs of these businesses.”

Across Southeast Asia, governments, banks and key stakeholders are becoming increasingly interested in the potential of alternative data as a tool to expand the scope and accessibility of financial services.

Southeast Asia-focused report published by the World Bank Group in 2021 highlights four new data types that have emerged as part of the evolving digital ecosystem, and which can aid credit decision-making: mobile operator and app-based data, digital payments, e-commerce data and enterprise-tech (business-performance) data. Such alternative data has also been highlighted by the Asian Development Bank as one of the key areas for driving financial inclusion in Southeast Asia. 

Across the region, governments, banks and key stakeholders are becoming increasingly interested in the potential of alternative data as a tool to expand the scope and accessibility of financial services.

In December 2022, the National Credit Bureau of Thailand announced the plan to launch a non-credit data centre by consolidating such data into NCB’s existing credit database with initial application of utility payment data from Electricity and Water Utilities.

In Indonesia, Experian collaborated with a telecom company to uplift financial inclusion by using data from telco to provide advanced credit assessment to empower unbanked and underbanked.

In the Philippines, Credit Information Centre (CIC) is working on an open policy to enable accessing entities to utilize credit bureau data with alternative data to come up with a complete picture of a borrower’s credit profile.

In the context of Cambodia, utility bill payment and telco payment data can serve as important sources of alternative credit data. Moreover, with rapid digitalization along with adoption of digital payments, there should be enormous potential to tap a wide array of alternative data on payments and digital footprints. Around the world, such data have served as key drivers for digital financial inclusion. 

With a rise in digital financial service providers, digital payment catalysts and e-commerce in Cambodia, massive amounts of alternative data are already generated at present. Given this scenario, it is important to have an organized ecosystem to collect, process and utilize such alternative credit data.

On the regulatory front, the National Bank of Cambodia revised the prakas on credit reporting in 2020, enabling Credit Bureau Cambodia (CBC) to collect alternative data along with traditional credit data to support financial institutions to strengthen credit risk assessment capabilities.  

CBC was established in 2012 with the support of the National Bank of Cambodia, the Association of Banks   in Cambodia and other key stakeholders in the sector to manage a fair and transparent credit market in support of the nation’s economic development. Since then, CBC has become the leading body providing financial information in the country. Although currently CBC only manages traditional data reported by member banks and financial institutions, it is preparing an ambitious roadmap to collaborate with multiple sectors in the country. Its plan is to establish a comprehensive alternative credit data ecosystem that can work together with the traditional credit data ecosystem for social and economic benefits to Cambodians.

“I would say Cambodia stands a decade ahead of other emerging market economies because of the Credit Bureau and the lending environment,” explained Gordon Peters, co-founder and CEO of fintech firm Boost, which harnesses popular social media platform such as Facebook and Telegram to enable access to finance. “CBC has done a great job of collecting, collating and sharing data on the financial lives of customers,” he said. “I think that is a huge unlock.”

For Peters and company, CBC establishes a level of legitimacy and security that has benefited Cambodia’s financial sector and allowed his firm to fill a gap in the ecosystem. Banks and financial institutions have a high degree of confidence and trust in the role of CBC as a key financial data infrastructure in the country. For a company that already manages credit history data of more than 7 million individuals and businesses, expanding the capabilities to manage alternative data reporting system looks plausible.

Ms. Phal-Chalm Theany, Secretary General of the Association of Banks in Cambodia

Ms. Theany elaborated: “CBC is a data centre for the financial sector that collects data from banks and financial institutions, stores and analyses them for the purposes of credit scoring for those financial institutions. Where each bank and financial institution may have its own data, CBC has the financial information for the whole sector.

“With strong capabilities in data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, CBC is uniquely positioned to harness alternative data from diverse data sources to enable banks and financial institutions to conduct better assessment of the profile of the unbanked (mainly women and farmers) and informal small businesses, estimate income with more precision. This shall enable financial institutions to offer more appropriate credits or other financial services in the absence of a financial footprint, credit histories or property guarantees.”

Mr. Chan added: “CBC could spearhead the aggregation of payments, telco and utilities data. These datasets are then fed into a prospective customer’s credit score. Over the past few years, with NBC’s Bakong as a key enabler, we’ve seen a rapid digitization of payments. We believe that when assessing customer creditworthiness, payments data is just as important as borrowing and repayment data, and should be prioritized. At the same time, CBC would need to seek the cooperation of their member financial institutions to provide these datasets. For SMEs, we also see data from GDT as an important asset. If CBC could connect and obtain data with GDT, it will allow the banks to form better assessments for clean loans, spurring economic activity.”

Currently, CBC provides K-Score, an algorithmic credit score (ACS). ACS uses machine-learning algorithms to analyse massive data sets to produce credit scores without traditional financial information. This is the only industry level credit score available in Cambodia. First launched in 2015, CBC did a major revamp of the algorithms in 2020 to keep up with the evolving changes in the market landscape. Today, K-Score is available to all member financial institutions of CBC and (via CBC’s mobile app) to all individuals as well.

Example of a K-Score from CBC

A 2023 report in the Asian Journal of Law and Science states: “ACS is the tip of the spear of the global campaign for financial inclusion, which aims at including unbanked and underbanked citizens in financial markets and delivering them financial services, including credit, at fair and affordable prices.” The study outlines the wide ranging benefits of ACS and alternative data as tools to benefit individuals across Southeast Asia who lack access to financial services.

In the Cambodian context, Credit Bureau of Cambodia is well positioned to lead the way in leveraging these tools. To make sense of the massive datasets now available thanks to digitalisation, CBC utilises a host of ACS tools. Machine-learning algorithms and other artificial intelligence mechanisms allow for the analysis of data at a scale that was previously impossible. Risk analysis profiles and loan portfolios that are regularly updated and refined are just a couple of the ways these technologies can be leveraged using alternative data. While the power of these tools is certainly important, CBC’s experience in the sector — and its standing as the leading institution managing, analysing and providing financial data — are the most compelling reasons for the adoption of alternative data schemes in Cambodia.

“As we are entering our second decade of credit reporting in Cambodia, CBC is committed to being a trusted (element in the) national financial infrastructure for providing alternative credit data, to strengthen credit risk assessment for our 190-plus member financial institutions, and to expand access to credit for the new-to-credit consumer segments. We are very open to collaborate with alternative data providers such as telcos, utilities and payment service providers to harness information not found in traditional credit reports, to help more Cambodians obtain access to mainstream financial services,” explained CBC CEO, Oeur Sothearoath.

As CBC leverages its established presence in the financial sector, a growing pool of innovators is working with the agency to develop and facilitate the alternative data ecosystem.

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Two blockchain firms to be added to MAS’ licensing list | FinanceAsia

Two crypto firms have recently announced that they have obtained in-principle approval (IPA) from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to provide digital asset-related offerings compliant with the watchdog’s requirements.

Through the licensing scheme under the city state’s Payment Services Act, MAS regulates seven types of payment services, including account issuance, domestic money transfer, cross-border money transfer, merchant acquisition, e-money issuance, digital payment tokens and money-changing.

Singapore-headquartered StraitsX acquired its licence as a major payment institution (MPI) for digital payment token services, while Taiwan-based XREX’s Singapore entity received approval covering six service categories except for money-changing services.

Upon receiving the licence, StraitsX will focus on issuing two single-currency pegged stablecoins (SCS) that are 1-1 pegged to Singapore dollars (XSGD) and US dollars (XUSD), respectively.

XSGD is currently available for minting and redemption via StraitsX’s platform, while XUSD is under development and will be released to the public in the near future, FinanceAsia has learned..

“The in-principle approval from  the MAS allows us to demonstrate compliance with the regulatory framework for stablecoin issuance,” Kenny Chan, head of StraitsX, said.

“We see potential in single-currency pegged stablecoins as a credible and reliable medium to facilitate innovations in payment transactions both domestically and across borders,” he added.

Citing the purpose bound money (PBM) testing led by MAS as an example, Chan emphasised the programmability and interoperability of stablecoin-powered payment solutions and explored use cases, including programmable rewards and escrow arrangements for online commerce.

“Stablecoins play a significant role in the digital asset ecosystem as they frequently form the bridge to the fiat leg of a transaction,” said Etelka Bogardi, Asia head of fintech and financial services regulatory, partner at Norton Rose Fulbright.

“It was therefore important to safeguard financial stability and consumer protection in this space.”

She added that as one of the frontrunners in stablecoin regulation, Singapore’s licencing regime has introduced important safeguards through reserve management and redemption mechanics requirements.

The MAS is also expected to introduce a regulatory framework under the Payment Services Act, which will be dedicated to stablecoin-related issuance and intermediation activities. The framework is set to be finalised in Augustafter a public consultation which started in October 2022.

“We believe that the regulatory clarity provided in the finalised framework, as well as Singapore’s position as a trusted hub for global business will provide a strong foundation for the issuance of stablecoins pegged to other G10 currencies,” Chan remarked.

Blockchain benefit

XREX’s business focusses on blockchain-based cross-border payment technology. The Taiwan-based team will useXREX Singapore as their Asia Pacific (Apac) headquarters, and look to expand its payment product that supports fiats, stablecoins and cryptocurrencies in the region.

Christopher Chye, chief executive officer (CEO) at XREX Singapore, told FA that the approval process took approximately two years’ , which he referred to as “hard fought” in a company press release. The team is looking to elevate the in-principle approval to a full licence over the next six months, he added.

“Blockchain technology has the potential to decimate transaction fees, facilitate atomic settlement and enable programmable money,” he said.

Moreover, he addted that “stablecoins are particularly well-positioned to bring respite to illiquidity issues, and we look forward to acquiescing our customers and prospects to the use of stablecoins in the imminent future.”

The XREX Group team claims to be the only digital asset player approved by both Singaporean and Taiwanese regulators to provide virtual asset services, according to the note.

Chye said that the compliance team has been studying the licensing regime formalised in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and closely following regulatory developments in Hong Kong.

“Singapore boasts a progressive and robust regulatory framework, offering our users the clarity and confidence they need to access digital assets and use stablecoins,” said XREX Group and XREX Singapore head of compliance, Nick Chang, in the statement.

Chye added: “We feel optimistic about the regulatory developments across various jurisdictions and the attention central banks have afforded to this. Clear, reasonable, and practical regulations are crucial for the development of the blockchain industry.”

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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Two blockchain firms to be added to MAS’s licensing list | FinanceAsia

Two crypto firms have recently announced that they have obtained in-principle approval (IPA) from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to provide digital asset-related offerings compliant with the watchdog’s requirements.

Through the licensing scheme under the city state’s Payment Services Act, MAS regulates seven types of payment services, including account issuance, domestic money transfer, cross-border money transfer, merchant acquisition, e-money issuance, digital payment tokens and money-changing.

Singapore-headquartered StraitsX acquired its licence as a major payment institution (MPI) for digital payment token services, while Taiwan-based XREX’s Singapore entity received approval covering six service categories except for money-changing services.

Upon receiving the licence, StraitsX will focus on issuing two single-currency pegged stablecoins (SCS) that are 1-1 pegged to Singapore dollars (XSGD) and US dollars (XUSD), respectively.

XSGD is currently available for minting and redemption via StraitsX’s platform, while XUSD is under development and will be released to the public in the near future, FinanceAsia has learned..

“The in-principle approval from  the MAS allows us to demonstrate compliance with the regulatory framework for stablecoin issuance,” Kenny Chan, head of StraitsX, said.

“We see potential in single-currency pegged stablecoins as a credible and reliable medium to facilitate innovations in payment transactions both domestically and across borders,” he added.

Citing the purpose bound money (PBM) testing led by MAS as an example, Chan emphasised the programmability and interoperability of stablecoin-powered payment solutions and explored use cases, including programmable rewards and escrow arrangements for online commerce.

“Stablecoins play a significant role in the digital asset ecosystem as they frequently form the bridge to the fiat leg of a transaction,” said Etelka Bogardi, Asia head of fintech and financial services regulatory, partner at Norton Rose Fulbright.

“It was therefore important to safeguard financial stability and consumer protection in this space.”

She added that as one of the frontrunners in stablecoin regulation, Singapore’s licencing regime has introduced important safeguards through reserve management and redemption mechanics requirements.

The MAS is also expected to introduce a regulatory framework under the Payment Services Act, which will be dedicated to stablecoin-related issuance and intermediation activities. The framework is set to be finalised in Augustafter a public consultation which started in October 2022.

“We believe that the regulatory clarity provided in the finalised framework, as well as Singapore’s position as a trusted hub for global business will provide a strong foundation for the issuance of stablecoins pegged to other G10 currencies,” Chan remarked.

Blockchain benefit

XREX’s business focusses on blockchain-based cross-border payment technology. The Taiwan-based team will useXREX Singapore as their Asia Pacific (Apac) headquarters, and look to expand its payment product that supports fiats, stablecoins and cryptocurrencies in the region.

Christopher Chye, chief executive officer (CEO) at XREX Singapore, told FA that the approval process took approximately two years’ , which he referred to as “hard fought” in a company press release. The team is looking to elevate the in-principle approval to a full licence over the next six months, he added.

“Blockchain technology has the potential to decimate transaction fees, facilitate atomic settlement and enable programmable money,” he said.

Moreover, he addted that “stablecoins are particularly well-positioned to bring respite to illiquidity issues, and we look forward to acquiescing our customers and prospects to the use of stablecoins in the imminent future.”

The XREX Group team claims to be the only digital asset player approved by both Singaporean and Taiwanese regulators to provide virtual asset services, according to the note.

Chye said that the compliance team has been studying the licensing regime formalised in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and closely following regulatory developments in Hong Kong.

“Singapore boasts a progressive and robust regulatory framework, offering our users the clarity and confidence they need to access digital assets and use stablecoins,” said XREX Group and XREX Singapore head of compliance, Nick Chang, in the statement.

Chye added: “We feel optimistic about the regulatory developments across various jurisdictions and the attention central banks have afforded to this. Clear, reasonable, and practical regulations are crucial for the development of the blockchain industry.”

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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Impact investing on the rise: BNP Paribas survey | FinanceAsia

Impact investing is gaining in popularity across the globe, but a lack of harmonised environmental, social and governance (ESG) data, regulations and standards pose barriers to its development in Asia, a BNP Paribas survey suggested.

“Asia Pacific (Apac) is behind Europe, which has already integrated broader ESG topics such as inequalities and biodiversity. But it is ahead of North America which is highly fragmented over this topic,” Jules Bottlaender, Apac head of sustainable finance at BNP Paribas (securities services), told FinanceAsia.

So far 41% of global investors recognise a net zero commitment as their priority, while in Apac, 43% have set a due date to achieve net zero targets, according to the survey.

The global survey, titled Institutional investors’ progress on the path to sustainability, looked into how institutional investors across the globe are integrating their ESG commitments into implementation.

It gathered data from 420 global hedge funds, private capital firms, asset owners and asset managers between April and July 2023. Among them, 120 (28.6%) are from Asia Pacific (Apac) markets including China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia.

Impact investing

Impact investing, a strategy investing in companies, organisations and funds generating social and environmental benefits, in addition to financial returns, is a global trend that in the next few years, is set to overtake ESG integration as the most popular ESG strategy, the report revealed.

Globally, ESG integration dominates 70% of investors’ ESG investment strategies, but the proportion is expected to drop by 18% to 52% over the next two years. In contrast, 54% of respondents reported a plan to incorporate impact investing as their primary strategy by that time.

European investors have the greatest momentum in adopting impact investing at present, with 52% employing impact investing. While in the four markets in Apac, the proportion stood at 38%.

Negative screening took a lead as a major strategy of 62% investors surveyed in Apac. In the next two years, the figure is set to shrink to 47%, overtaken by 58% estimating to commit to impact investing.

“Impact investing is a rather new concept for most people [in Asia]. It is driven by the need to have a clear and tangible positive impact,” Bottlaender said.

An analysis from Invesco in March 2023 pointed out that while impact assessment is key to a measurable outcome of such investments, clear and consistent frameworks are required to avoid greenwashing acts.

“There is no singular standard for impact assessment,” the article noted. On the regulatory side, specific labelling or disclosure requirements dedicated to impact investing have yet to come in Asia.

Private markets, including private debt, private equity and real assets, will take up a more sizeable share of impact investing assets under management (AUM), it added.

Bottlaender echoed this view, saying that current regulatory pressure in Asia “is almost all about climate”. As a result, Asian investors’ ESG commitments are mostly around climate issues such as including net zero pledges and coal divestment. These are coming before stronger taxonomies and broader ESG regulations which are set to be finalised over the next few years.

Data shortage

A lack of ESG data is one of the greatest barriers to investors’ commitments, as respondents to the survey reported challenges from inconsistent and incomplete data. The concern is shared by 73% of respondents across Apac, slightly higher than a global average of 71%.

Bottlaender explained that although mandatory reporting of climate data is adopted in certain regulations, a majority of ESG data is submitted voluntarily.

This leads to a fragmentation and inconsistency of sources based on the various reporting standards they adhere to. Moreover, the absence of third-party verification results weighs on the accuracy and reliability of the data provided, he continued.

He shared that investors are either engaging directly with companies to encourage standardised reporting practices, or relying on data providers, or leveraging technology to carry out quality control to address the lack of ESG data.

But “significant gaps persist, especially concerning private companies and aspects like scope 3 emissions.”

“As a result, investors must be extremely cautious when advancing any ESG claim or commitment,” he warned.

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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Impact investing on the rise: BNP survey | FinanceAsia

Impact investing is gaining in popularity across the globe, but a lack of harmonised environmental, social and governance (ESG) data, regulations and standards pose barriers to its development in Asia, a BNP Paribas survey suggested.

“Asia Pacific (Apac) is behind Europe, which has already integrated broader ESG topics such as inequalities and biodiversity. But it is ahead of North America which is highly fragmented over this topic,” Jules Bottlaender, Apac head of sustainable finance at BNP Paribas, told FinanceAsia.

So far 41% of global investors recognise a net zero commitment as their priority, while in Apac, 43% have set a due date to achieve net zero targets, according to the survey.

The global survey, titled Institutional investors’ progress on the path to sustainability, looked into how institutional investors across the globe are integrating their ESG commitments into implementation.

It gathered data from 420 global hedge funds, private capital firms, asset owners and asset managers between April and July 2023. Among them, 120 (28.6%) are from Asia Pacific (Apac) markets including China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia.

Impact investing

Impact investing, a strategy investing in companies, organisations and funds generating social and environmental benefits, in addition to financial returns, is a global trend that in the next few years, is set to overtake ESG integration as the most popular ESG strategy, the report revealed.

Globally, ESG integration dominates 70% of investors’ ESG investment strategies, but the proportion is expected to drop by 18% to 52% over the next two years. In contrast, 54% of respondents reported a plan to incorporate impact investing as their primary strategy by that time.

European investors have the greatest momentum in adopting impact investing at present, with 52% employing impact investing. While in the four markets in Apac, the proportion stood at 38%.

Negative screening took a lead as a major strategy of 62% investors surveyed in Apac. In the next two years, the figure is set to shrink to 47%, overtaken by 58% estimating to commit to impact investing.

“Impact investing is a rather new concept for most people [in Asia]. It is driven by the need to have a clear and tangible positive impact,” Bottlaender said.

An analysis from Invesco in March 2023 pointed out that while impact assessment is key to a measurable outcome of such investments, clear and consistent frameworks are required to avoid greenwashing acts.

“There is no singular standard for impact assessment,” the article noted. On the regulatory side, specific labelling or disclosure requirements dedicated to impact investing have yet to come in Asia.

Private markets, including private debt, private equity and real assets, will take up more sizeable share of impact investing asset under management (AUM), it added.

Bottlaender echoed this view, saying that current regulatory pressure in Asia “is almost all about climate”. As a result, Asian investors’ ESG commitments are mostly around climate issues such as including net zero pledges and coal divestment, before stronger taxonomies and broader ESG regulations which are set to be finalised over the next few years.

Data shortage

A lack of ESG data is one of the greatest barriers to investors’ commitments, as respondents to the survey reported challenges from inconsistent and incomplete data. The concern is shared by 73% of respondents across Apac, slightly higher than a global average of 71%.

Bottlaender explained that although mandatory reporting of climate data is adopted in certain regulations, a majority of ESG data is submitted voluntarily.

This leads to a fragmentation and inconsistency of sources based on the various reporting standards they adhere to. Moreover, the absence of third-party verification results weighs on the accuracy and reliability of the data provided, he continued.

He shared that investors are either engaging directly with companies to encourage standardised reporting practices, or relying on data providers, or leveraging technology to carry out quality control to address the lack of ESG data.

But “significant gaps persist, especially concerning private companies and aspects like scope 3 emissions.”

“As a result, investors must be extremely cautious when advancing any ESG claim or commitment,” he warned.

¬ Haymarket Media Limited. All rights reserved.

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Nobel Sustainability Trust launches digital currency initiative

MUNICH, Nov. 9, 2023 —A meeting sponsored by the Nobel Sustainability Trust today launched the Central Bank Digital Currency Collaboration Organization (CBDCCO), under the chairmanship of Peter Nobel, president of the Trust. The organization’s goal is to nurture sustainable economic growth and stability by encouraging the adoption of digital currencies.

The inauguration ceremony represents the culmination of years of activity on the part of a pioneering global Central Bank Digital Currency research organization, the International Telecommunications Union Focus group headed by Dr. David Wen. Dr. Wen is the Director-General of the new CBDCCO.

The new initiative draws on experts from leading regulatory and financial organizations, including the European Security and Market Authority, the Federal Reserve, the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, China Merchant Bank, CBDC solution provider eCurrency, and technology experts from CBDC solution providers like eCurrency, and Modern Sustainable Solutions (MOSS), a leading carbon offset provider.

Dr. Bruno Wu, the President of CBDCCO and Director-General of the World Sustainability Standard Organization (WSSO), outlined a seven-part program in his keynote speech to the founding conference. Dr. Wu was the honoree of last year’s Nobel Sustainability Trust award.

Under the theme “Star Bridge,” the CBDCCO program will work with central banks to develop digital technology, assist in the integration of digital financial infrastructure, promote accounting standards that corporate sustainability data in accounting standards, apply CBDC technology to Real World Asset Management, develop digital infrastructure for improved global carbon asset management, foster technical standards for a wide range of CBDC solutions, and provide innovative technology for regulatory oversight of sustainability products.

Dr. Wu is a shareholder of the parent company of Asia Times.

Peter Nobel, representing the Nobel Sustainability Trust, stressed the importance of embedding sustainability into the core of future economies. They stated, “Digital currencies present a unique opportunity to rebuild and reshape our financial systems with sustainability at their core.” The Nobel Sustainability Trust, long active in the sustainability space, will provide expertise and support for the new organization.

The CBDCCO and the Nobel Sustainability Trust extended an invitation to other organizations and governments to join their endeavors in forging a sustainable and inclusive financial future.

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Malaysia’s net zero transition: expediting ESG | FinanceAsia

The Joint Committee on Climate Change ( JC3 ) of Malaysia met last month to discuss working together to improve the financial sector’s ability to develop climate resilience. & nbsp,

According to a spokesperson for Bank Negara Malaysia( BNM ),” sustainable assets are gaining momentum in Malaysia with key investment styles built around the need for accelerating sectoral transition and climate resilience, such as energy transition, circular economy, food security, and freedom change.”

The JC3 board was established in September 2019 to ensure a cogent approach to ESG initiatives, with its founding serving as” great testimony” to how proponents of Malaysia’s capital markets intend to work closely to improve sustainability practices in Malaysia, according to Angelia Chin – Sharpe, CEO of BNP Paribas Asset Management, which operates in Southeast Asia.

Its members include representatives of the market’s central bank, BNM, capital markets regulator, Securities Commission Malaysia ( SC ), stock exchange, Bursa Malaysia, and 21 other financial industry players, including Chin-Shawni at BNP AM, insurance companies Allianz, Swiss Re and Zurich, as well as banks like RHB Islamic and CIMB.

The committee outlined five initiatives at the meeting that” emphasise the crucial part of the banking sector in enabling a lasting plan” with the goal of expediting the economy’s low-carbon practices. A pilot project to switch industrial parks and their operational infrastructure to low-carbon practices was one of these, along with three data-related initiatives and a RM1 billion($ 0.210 million ) guarantee to provide funding to smaller market players to support their ESG agendas. & nbsp,

The BNM spokesperson stated to FA that one of the goals of” Ekonomi Madani” is to encourage Malaysia’s green growth in the direction of climate resilience. This goal aims to put Malaysia on a strong development path by realizing and addressing key national issues.

There are numerous opportunities for industry players, including international investors, to achieve the National Energy Transition Roadmap ( NETR ) targets set for 2050, she said.

Energy efficiency( EE ), renewable energy( RE ), hydrogen, bioenergy, and green mobility and carbon capture, utilisation and storage( CCUS ) are the six energy transition levers that Malaysia’s NETR identifies as its ten flagship projects. These are anticipated to catalyze and quicken the market’s energy transition, reduce greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions by at least 10 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent ( MtCO2eq ) annually, create 23, 000 high-impact job opportunities, and improve corporate ecosystem growth opportunities with benefits to society.

According to the BNM touch, their powerful supply necessitates investments in infrastructure, engineering, and human capital totaling between RM1.2 trillion and Rs1.3 trillion up to 2050. In addition to & nbsp,

While Malaysia’s administrative society is capable of reviewing such an option and is aware of the significance of incorporating ESG into purchase technique,” there is still a need to teach” smaller scale investors on the opportunities and risks associated with sustainability strategies, according to Chin-Sharpe, BNP Paribas AM.

Having said that, she added,” Most banks in Malaysia are committed to playing a more active role to align and help their clients understand the[ relevant ] Malaysian taxonomies.”

Purchase and regulation

The five new initiatives have been included in the government’s budget for 2024 and” complement other policies such as the NETR, the New Industrial Master Plan ( NIMP ) 2030 and the Mid-Term Review of the 12th Malaysia Plan ( MTR – 12MP ,” according to YB Nik Nazmi Nk Ahmad, minister of Natural Resources, Environment, and Climate Change.

All governing events, including JC3 users, Malaysia’s Corporate Guarantee Corporation, and pertinent ministries, are committed to putting the tasks into action, the BNM representative confirmed with FA.

The regulatory environment in Malaysia keeps up with the country’s continued energy transition and the funding needed to make it happen. To obtain conservation and environment goals, the money market should be prepared to help finance raising and investments. Since 2011, when Sustainable and Responsible Investment ( SRI ) has been included as a crucial growth strategy in the Capital Market Masterplan CMP2, the SC has paved the way for sustainability, according to Dato ‘ Seri Dr. Awang Adek Hussin, its chairman.

A Climate Chance and Principle-based Taxonomy was published by BNM in 2021. In December 2022, SC unveiled a Principles-Based SRI Taxony for the Malaysian Capital Market. This year, in June of this year. SC also established the International Sustainability Standards Board’s ( ISSB ). & nbsp,

Meanwhile, the BNM spokesperson emphasized last month’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation legislation as having the potential to significantly lower energy use by 2050 — by 2, 017 million gigajoules, or RM97 billion in savings— and to” create new jobs in energy management and auditing ,” she said.

According to Adrian Wong, mind of jobs and director at the Singapore-based law firm Prolegis, which has a formal legal ally with Herbert Smith Freehills( HSF ),” investment has increased in Malaysia in part because the regulatory environment has done more to promote appetite in renewables.”

Large-scale solar auctions in Malaysia’s peninsular and projects along the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy ( Score) are two of the renewable infrastructure projects his team is helping clients with.

The transport industry is anticipated to play a significant role in the demand for renewable energy, with electric vehicle ( EV ) usage expected to reach 80 % of the car market in 2050.

However, he informed FA that the greatest possibility is present in projects involving solar, water, and biofuel. In 2040, it is anticipated that all three sources will increase and account for roughly 17 % of Malaysia’s total energy mix.

a files travel

Data and the potential of emerging technologies to support Malaysia’s conservation plan are the three activities that were announced at the event.

The first builds on the accomplishments of JC3’s Greening Value Chain ( GVC ) pilot program, which began in 2022 and has so far assisted 80 small and medium enterprises( SMEs ) in tracking and reporting greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions across the length of their supply chains. In order to provide public listed companies( PLCs ) capacity-building support, reporting tools, and additional financing facilities, which the BNM spokesperson said could be accessed” at competitive rates via the Low Carbon Transition Facility( LCTF ), the updated plan connects Bursa Malaysia’s sustainability data platform with the GVC program.

Access to an” ESG jump-start portal,” through which Malay businesses can obtain useful information on ESG-related capacity-building programs, certification, as well as financial and opportunity methods, and the introduction of a Green AgriTech program to promote the adoption of green technology and sustainable agriculture techniques among local producers, are additional data related initiatives.

According to the BNM director,” Green AgriTech offers substantial potential for Malaysia’s agricultural field by opening up new possibilities and addressing vital difficulties.”

Wong concurred that emerging technology has the potential to modernize and alter Malaysia’s ESG strategy, particularly in the agricultural industry. From ensuring a sustainable supply of food sources to raising general health and environmental criteria, he mentioned the potential for positive effects.

To ensure that farmers may conduct their financial transactions online, he suggested the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation’s project, which linked small farmers to online marketplaces offering bright warehouse facilities, supply, and farming solutions.

Through a thorough approach to alternative solutions, this catalytic pilot program encourages farmers to use technologies and follow greener and ecological practices. Participating farmers can obtain grants and LCTF to purchase natural systems, the BNM spokesperson added.

” Technology use may improve produce stability and quality while also assisting in the resolution of food safety issues.”

maintaining speed

The efforts to enlist input from all parts of Malaysia’s market, both the public sector and the private sector, is at the core of the country as it transitions. The BNM spokesperson informed FA that” efforts to level public-private partnerships are even continuing, with fresh initiatives.”

She stated that the GVC program is an excellent illustration of a cutting-edge blended financing initiative in Malaysia that supports the country’s move toward enlightenment.

BNM continues to support private institutions’ participation in the government’s loan offerings, the call emphasized,” BNM also supports such attempts by facilitating the release of Government of Malaysia Sustainable Sukuk for registration by both domestic and foreign investors.”

According to SC chairman Hussin at the conference, the SRI-linked Sukuk Framework was introduced last year, giving the Indonesian capital market access to a full range of frameworks to assist businesses in financing transitional projects as well as alternative, social, and sustainability initiatives.

Fitch recently released an ESG document that showed a steadfast global appetite for the sukuk. The data shows that by the end of 3Q23, ESG sukuk issuance had increased by 66 % year over year( YoY ) to reach$ 33.3 billion worldwide.

Due to built-in sharia filters, there is a cross between Islamic funding and ESG principles, according to the ratings agent’s research. & nbsp,

Over the moderate name,” Fitch Ratings anticipates more rise.” According to the review, the company’s growth is largely driven by governments’ sustainability initiatives and issuers’ funding diversification goals toward both sharia and ESG-sensitive investors.

” ESG sukuk could receive an awareness and issuance boost ,” said Bashar Al-Natoor, Fitch’s global head of Islamic Finance, with the United Arab Emirates( UAE) hosting the Conference of Parties( COP ) 28 this year.

It is motivating to see the Indonesian government adopting a” full of state” approach to addressing the impact of climate change on economic conservation, Hussin said at the conference’s conclusion. The nation’s interests and sustainable development methods are outlined in roadmaps and masterplans that have been made available by the relevant ministries.

I want to say it again:” Our planet is facing an unprecedented problem, one that necessitates immediate and coordinated effort from all countries, sectors, and individuals.”


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How to read China’s US Treasury sell-off

In the home stretch of a rocky 2023, China and Warren Buffett are warning the global economy that the year ahead could be even more precarious.

Not directly or in tandem, of course. But the financial decisions being made in Omaha, Nebraska and Beijing don’t seem very promising for the 12-14 months ahead.

Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway conglomerate, for example, is raising its cash position in headline-generating ways. Its cash pile is now a record-breaking US$157.2 billion amid rising global interest rates and a lack of solid investment options.

Xi Jinping’s China is also going as liquid as it can — and rapidly — without panicking investors everywhere. As of the end of August, China’s stockpile of US Treasury securities dropped to the lowest level in at least 14 years.

What’s more, Beijing’s exposure to US government debt has fallen about 40% in just the last decade. Xi’s Communist Party has long since passed the dubious honor of Washington’s top banker to Japan. But at No 2, with $805.4 billion of US Treasuries, China’s selling activity is raising eyebrows in government offices and trading pits around the globe.

Though some might claim foul geopolitical play, there could be perfectly rational economic reasons for Xi’s government to offload US debt. As economist Torsten Slok at Apollo Global Management sees it, “growth in China is slowing for cyclical and structural reasons, and Chinese exports to the US are lower. As a result, China has fewer dollars to recycle into Treasuries.”

Brad Setser, a former US Treasury Department economist, says the suspicion that Xi is exacting revenge on the US “sort of makes sense. China does worry about the weaponization of the dollar and the reach of US financial sanctions. And why would a rising power like China want to fund the Treasury of a country that China views as standing in the way of the realization of the China dream ­– at least in the Pacific?”

Yet, Setser says, “that is not what I believe is actually happening.” The bulk of China’s post-2012 efforts to diversify its reserves “have come not from shifting reserves out of the dollar, but rather by using what could have been reserves to support the Belt and Road and the outward expansion of Chinese firms.

Those non-reserve foreign assets, strangely enough, seem to be mostly in dollars; almost all the documented Belt and Road project loans, for example, have been in dollars.”

A Belt and Road bridge project in Croatia. Image: Twitter

Whatever the motivation, though, the global financial system is right to worry about the wider fallout from China selling dollars, including surging US yields. US bond rates recently hit a 17-year high and further spikes are sure to hit asset markets around the globe.

Slok notes that rising US yields are “inconsistent” with the view that stock markets are undervalued. “In short, something has to give,” Slok notes. “Either stocks have to go down to be consistent with the current level of interest rates. Or long-term interest rates have to go down to be consistent with the current level of stock prices.”

Strategist Lauren Sanfilippo at Bank of America sees China’s selling of Treasuries, circa 2023, as a bookmark of sorts. The other was in 2013, when senior People’s Bank of China officials declared it was “no longer in China’s favor to accumulate foreign exchange reserves.” That, she argues, marks “the beginning of a downtrend in China’s holdings of US Treasuries.”

In late 2013, Sanfilippo says, China owned more than $1.3 trillion in Treasuries, in excess of 23% of all foreign holdings. More recently, and over the last 18 months, China has sold more than $200 billion in Treasuries.

This isn’t the full picture, though. All in all, Sanfilippo says, “the landscape of buyers of US Treasuries has shifted. While foreigners own 30%, that share has been declining. The Federal Reserve owns 18%, or another $4.7 trillion, down from a peak of $6 trillion via the monthly run off of $60 billion of Treasuries through their ongoing quantitative tightening program. Importantly, and increasingly coming to the table, are hedge funds, pensions, retail investors, mutual funds and insurers as marginal buyers.”

In Sanfilippo’s view, the “bottom line” is that “foreigners are still a major source of demand for our paper. An important fact, particularly when accounting for a growing US deficit. A list of concerns such as a shifting geopolitical landscape, polarizing US politics, hits to the US credit rating, or a worrying pile of debt, could all chip away at the allure for US assets over the long term.”

But, she notes, “good reasons remain for our preference of US dollar-denominated assets relative to non-US dollar assets. The US economy remains the largest, wealthiest and most competitive economy backstopped by the US corporate sector. Globally speaking, that’s a rare combination that continues to drive flows into US assets, both foreign and domestic.”

Even so, Washington’s bankers in Asia losing faith en masse could be the game-changer officials in Beijing have long feared. The nine Asia-Pacific economies holding the most US debt are sitting on more than $3 trillion of it.

That, at a moment when the US national debt tops $33 trillion and the Fed might soon extend its most aggressive tightening cycle since the late 1990s. Add in extreme political dysfunction in Washington putting the last of its AAA credit ratings at risk.

US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell. Image: Xinhua

The risk is that all that red ink prompts more of Washington’s bankers to buy fewer Treasuries or, worse, call some loans.

In March 2018, Cui Tiankai, China’s then-ambassador to the US, hinted that Beijing might scale back on debt holdings amid concerns about losses. “We are looking at all options,” he said.

That same year, Fan Gang, a top PBOC adviser, said the time to diversify had come. “We are a low-income country, but we are a high-wealth country,” Fan said. “We should make better use of capital. Rather than investing in US government debt, it’s better to invest in some real assets.”

Those concerns in 2018 were being expressed seven years after the US lost the first of its AAA ratings – from S&P Global Ratings. They also came nearly a decade after then-Chinese premier Wen Jiabao in 2009 urged Washinton to safeguard its creditworthiness.

“We have made a huge amount of loans to the United States,” Wen said at the time. “Of course, we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am a little bit worried.” Washington, Wen stressed, must “honor its words, stay a credible nation and ensure the safety of Chinese assets.”

One big worry for China and the rest of Asia: that bickering in Washington between President Joe Biden’s Democrats and the Republicans loyal to predecessor Donald Trump might brawl in ways that prompt Moody’s Investors Service to downgrade the US as Fitch Ratings did in August.

With approval ratings in the low 40s, at best, Biden’s path to defeating Trump in November 2024 is narrowing. Trump has suggested in the past that he might default on US debt to retaliate against China.

Also on Trump’s watch, from 2017 to 2021, America’s standing in Transparency International’s annual corruption perceptions index nosedived 11 places since from 2017 to 2021 – to a 27nd ranking from 16th place.

These aren’t comforting data points for China and other Asian governments effectively holding Washington’s mortgage. As 2024 approaches, Xi, the strongest Chinese leader since Mao Zedong, may also be trying to avoid terrible headlines about hundreds of billions of state wealth lost to US yield volatility. It’s complicated, of course.

The resulting surge in US yields if China accelerated Treasuries selling would boomerang back on China’s economy, just as it’s growing the slowest in three decades. As rates rise, American consumers will buy fewer Chinese goods. The US, of course, is already slowing. In October, the US added just 150,000 nonfarm payroll jobs, a marked slowdown.

“Some of [October’s] weakness will reverse next month with the United Auto Worker (UAW) strike ending, but there is more weakness beyond that,” says economist Thomas Simons at Jefferies, a US investment bank. “This data fits in line with the trend that had been in place before the surprisingly strong September print.”

Yet as Buffett’s Berkshire noted in a recent report: “The effects of significant increases in home mortgage interest rates in the US over the past year has slowed demand for our home building businesses and our other building products businesses. We continue to anticipate certain of our businesses will experience weakening demand and declines in revenues and earnings into 2024.”

As such, economist Mark Williams at Capital Economics doubts that Beijing is letting political objectives dictate foreign exchange reserve management.

“Falls in the value of China’s recorded holdings of US Treasuries tell us little about whether China is divesting from the dollar,” Williams notes. “A broader look at the data suggests that it isn’t, despite geopolitical pressure to decouple. The analysis of the US Fed suggests that China has been a net buyer overall,” of dollar assets.

Photo: Reuters/Jason Lee
China isn’t apparently wholesale dumping US debt. Photo: Asia Times Files / Reuters / Jason Lee

Setser, who’s now with the Council on Foreign Relations, thinks worries about China dumping US debt are overdone. In his view, there “aren’t realistic channels for financial contagion” from the second-biggest economy to the US. Bottom line, he sees “no real scenario” in which China “disrupts” American markets in ways the Fed can’t handle.

But can the PBOC handle things? Some of the US Treasuries sales of late seem to reflect a desire to have funds available to keep the yuan from extending its 5.5% drop this year.

On the one hand, it’s increasing the odds China will import inflation amid elevated global commodities prices. On the other, it raises the risks of additional defaults among property developers as offshore debt payments become more expensive.

Still, as recent actions by Xi’s government and Buffett suggest, there may be an even bigger economic storm brewing in 2024. As such, some battening down of the hatches may be in order.

Follow William Pesek on X at @WilliamPesek

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MSCI makes new client coverage leadership appointments in Asia | FinanceAsia

New York-headquartered financial services provider, MSCI, announced yesterday (October 30) via media note two leadership appointments across the firm’s Asian client coverage teams.

Ryoya (Tera) Terasawa has been appointed as head of Japanese client coverage, based in Tokyo. Meanwhile, Chitra Hepburn has taken on the role of head of South and Southeast Asia client coverage, from Singapore.

Terasawa’s new role takes immediate effect and sees him report to Kazuya Nagasawa, head of Asia Pacific (Apac) client coverage. He will lead the team’s commercial activities in the Japanese market, managing key client relationships.

“Tera will lead MSCI’s go-to-market strategies, drive revenue growth across new business and renewal targets, and represent MSCI in Japan. Teras will also partner closely with key stakeholders and product management globally to deliver a cohesive, solutions-driven strategy for our clients in Japan,” a spokesperson for MSCI told FinanceAsia.

Prior to his new role, Terasawa spent over 23 years with JP Morgan, most recent serving as head of Japan sales and marketing, dealing with institutional clients. His past expertise spans areas including fixed-income derivatives sales, and equity derivatives trading and structuring.

“We will continue to strengthen commercial success in the Japan market and capitalise on accelerating growth across all client segments in Japan,” the spokesperson noted.

In Singapore, Hepburn started her new South and Southeast Asian role on October 16, also reporting to Nagasawa. The new post is an expansion of her current remit as Asia-based leader of environment, social and corporate governance (ESG) and climate client coverage.

“We are confident that under Chitra’s strategic leadership, the South and Southeast Asia region will continue to scale and achieve newer heights,” the contact said. She confirmed that Hepburn will remain responsible for MSCI’s ESG and climate business across Apac.

Hepburn joined MSCI in Singapore in 2019 to lead the firm’s regional ESG and climate business, after over two years serving as managing director with software provider, ESG Global, according to her LinkedIn profile. She has 15 years of project finance experience in investment banking, and over six years of extensive experience in China, focussing on corporate development and cleantech investments.

“I am confident that we will continue to build on our capabilities to support the huge demand from our clients in the region, as institutional investors are increasingly integrating climate transition into their mainstream investment strategies,” she told FA.

MSCI is expected to release its 2023 third quarter (Q3) earnings later today, US-time. 

As of June 2023, the firm’s ESG and climate operating revenues in Q2 stood at $71.2 million globally, up 29.2% from a year ago. The growth was attributed to strong growth from recurring subscriptions related to ratings, climate and screening products. Meanwhile, MSCI’s total operating revenues in 2023 Q2 increased by 12.6% year-on-year to reach $621.2 million.

Commenting on both appointments, Nagasawa noted in the announcement: “This is an important testimony to the value we place on these Apac markets and on our growing commitment to them.”

“I am confident that their wealth of experience working across client segments and deep industry insights, will be key to ensuring we bring the best products and solutions to our established and growing client base in the region.”

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How Moody’s new affiliate VIS Rating will boost the development of Vietnam’s local corporate bond market | FinanceAsia

Southeast Asia’s thriving economies, including Vietnam, will continue to fuel growth in the region’s developing domestic corporate bond markets. In particular, Vietnam’s local corporate bond market is set to get a boost with the recent launch of a new local credit rating agency (CRA) in the country by Moody’s and several leading local financial institutions.

“Moody’s has long recognised the pivotal role that domestic bond markets play in financing investments to propel growth not only in Southeast Asian economies but also the broader Asia region,” said Wendy Cheong, managing director and regional head of APAC, Moody’s Investors Service. She added, “Over the years, we have formed domestic strategic alliances in China, India, Korea and Malaysia with local CRAs that have actively contributed to the sustainable expansion and advancement of their bond markets.”

Wendy Cheong, MD and regional head of APAC, Moody’s Investors Service

More recently, Moody’s has made another bold commitment to its domestic strategy. In September, it formally launched Vietnam Investors Service And Credit Rating Agency Joint Stock Company (VIS Rating) in partnership with several leading local financial institutions in Vietnam. Moody’s is the largest minority shareholder of the domestic CRA. VIS Rating is Moody’s first investment in a greenfield CRA in a frontier market.

“VIS Rating is ready to support the development of efficient and liquid debt capital markets in Vietnam with the aim of providing independent, best-in-class rating services to corporate bond issuers in the country,” said Tran Le Minh, managing director of VIS Rating. He added, “At the same time, we will continue to draw on Moody’s global expertise and deep insights to introduce best practices to the domestic market.”

Tran Le Minh, MD, VIS Rating

Moody’s firm commitment rides on the back of the large growth potential of Southeast Asia’s (ex-Singapore) economies and domestic corporate bond markets, including Vietnam. Over 2017-2022, the region’s local bond markets collectively recorded a cumulative annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.4% and are now almost triple the size of the cross-border market in terms of issuance volume. Domestic corporate bond issuance volumes have returned to pre-Covid levels at about $140 billion in 2022[1]. Meanwhile, on a macroeconomic level, the region’s GDP accounts for 12% of Asia’s emerging markets and grew at 4.8% CAGR over 2017-2022.

Moreover, multinationals are scouring Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, to diversify their supply chains amid elevated geopolitical tensions. Given Southeast Asia’s large consumer base and infrastructure development needs, the region’s economies are set to expand further. Vietnam is no exception. Moody’s projects the economy will grow faster than most peers[2] in Southeast Asia through 2024.

Furthermore, the country’s local bond market has large room to grow with outstanding corporate bonds consisting of just 13% of GDP as of August 2023. This level comes after brisk growth of 30% CAGR over 2017-2022. As Vietnam’s domestic corporate bond market develops, credit ratings and research will play a meaningful role by helping companies access new sources of capital, diversify their funding base, enhance market transparency, as well as maintain investor confidence during times of market stress.

“In Vietnam, VIS Rating is well placed to empower bond market participants with informed decision-making through its independent domestic credit ratings,” said Tran. He added, “Our activities such as joint events with Moody’s, foundational and market educational outreach will help deepen Vietnam’s credit culture and bring value to local market participants.”

Leveraging Moody’s global best practices and extensive capabilities, VIS Rating has built out its ratings and research function. These include developing its rating methodologies; publishing research reports; engaging in market outreach through podcasts, media interviews and industry events; as well as developing its own database and ratings platform.

VIS Rating outreach activity with market participants

“For Moody’s, VIS Rating not only broadens our network of domestic partners in Asia but also complements our cross-border coverage,” said Cheong. She added “Since we first assigned a sovereign rating to Vietnam in 1997, we have grown to become the leading global rating agency in terms of cross-border coverage in the country.”

Beyond ratings, Moody’s continues to harness its global insights and local expertise to offer timely and high-quality research on Vietnam. For example, it has been hosting its annual Inside ASEAN investor conference virtually and in-person in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City since 2016.

As Vietnam’s domestic bond market flourishes, Moody’s is undoubtedly there for the long haul. It remains committed to providing talent and technical support to VIS Rating as the company embarks on an exciting journey to become the country’s rating agency of choice. 

[1] Source: Moody’s, AsianBondsOnline, BIS, Securities and Exchange Board of India.

[2] Source: Moody’s sovereign report, titled, “Government of Vietnam – Ba2 stable: Update following change in economic strength score and GDP forecasts” published 13 July 2023.


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