Chinese biomed firms take ill on Biden’s decoupling order

Shares associated with China’s contract medication makers have been pressurized since US Chief executive Joe Biden agreed upon an order that urges drug makers to reduce reliance upon foreign labs. Upon Monday (September 12), Biden signed an executive order in order to coordinate a whole-of-government approach to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing, jointly referred to as the “bioeconomy, ” to address […]

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UK’s tilt to Asia no panacea for flagging post-Brexit trade

Regardless of initiating the largest alter in trade plan in 50 yrs — leaving the European Union — the UK federal government still has no trade strategy. The United Kingdom’s development because the 18th century offers relied heavily upon its global trade links and its intuition are still fairly open. One might have anticipated a leadership competition […]

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Australia firing up East Asia gas security fears

With power prices at historically high levels, many eyes are on governments. Disruptions in energy supply chains due to the war in Ukraine have prompted countries to look toward power sources they had started to shift away from — China has grown its  coal  production and Japan will  return  to nuclear — to secure their energy supply. The Australian […]

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HK becomes a safe haven for US-listed Chinese firms

The Hong Kong stock market is expected to benefit from a pipeline of new dual primary entries as many Chinese businesses look for a safe destination in case they are required to delist from US markets. After nine companies completed their own dual-primary listings in Hong Kong this year, regarding 30 more including e-commerce giant Alibaba […]

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The dark side of Facebook, Google, TikTok ‘dark ads’

Once upon a time, most advertisements were public. If we wanted to see what advertisers were doing, we could easily find it – on TV, in newspapers and magazines, and on billboards around the city. This meant governments, civil society and citizens could keep advertisers in check, especially when they advertised products that might be […]

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Mongolia squandering its mining boom riches

Mongolia’s dependence on mining has intensified in recent decades. Following the discovery of major coal deposits and gold-copper ore in the early 2000s, mining’s economic significance surpassed that of the traditional livestock sector. In 2022, mining accounts for nearly a quarter of gross domestic product (GDP), up from a tenth in 2000. Since the advent […]

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China hopes ‘whole-nation’ scheme can close tech gap

China’s government says it will use the advantages of its “new-type whole-nation system” to catapult technological progress, an apparent expansion of the authoritarian state’s proven ability to mobilize market and academic resources for development purposes. On Tuesday, a meeting of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Central Comprehensively Deepening Reforms Commission, chaired by General Secretary Xi […]

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How to save the global free trade order

The world faces unprecedented and difficult challenges, including US-China rivalry, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change and supply chain disruptions. One consequence of these challenges is the possible division of the world economy into two or more political blocs, not unlike the situation that prevailed before the Second World War. To […]

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