Alibaba, Microsoft join Tencent-led alliance as WeChat operator aims to tackle climate crisis through sharing of patents

The particular alliance comprising 10 companies has contributed 189 patents at no cost as a start to assist break down technological obstacles to address the weather crisis. They will furthermore form a public-interest patent pool and promote their carbon-related patents with organisations focusing on advancing carbon neutrality. Understand full story Continue Reading

Human-trafficking crisis: captive Hongkonger tells how trip to Thailand turned into 3-month nightmare under forced labour

Anecdotal evidence shows many scam sufferers were lured in order to Thailand with the guarantee of a well-paid job they saw advertised online. Lawyers and NGO staff have paid close attention since the crisis – possibly the worst in order to affect the safety associated with Hongkongers overseas for the decade – started to unfold. Read full story Continue Reading

Singapore Buddhist Federation relieved that institution of marriage will be fortified along with proposed 377A repeal

“Robust trades and the ensuing bitterness between the two camps on this divisive concern in recent years will only result in a polarised plus divided society, inch said the SBF. Rather, opening up “middle-ground dialogue” will facilitate shared understanding of different and common perspectives, and soothe any pressure, it added.Continue Reading