Malaysia apex court’s decision to uphold Najib conviction a victory in fight against corruption, says opposition

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s opposition leaders have welcomed the Federal Court’s decision to uphold former prime minister Najib Razak’s conviction in his 1MDB-linked case as a victory for Malaysians in their fight against corruption. “This proves that the people have power (and) they made the decision in 2018 to ensure an Continue Reading

‘His political career is gone,’ says analyst as Najib Razak begins jail sentence for 1MDB-linked conviction

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia’s maximum court on Wednesday (Aug 23) upheld former prime minister Najib Razak’s 12-year prison sentence for corruption within the 1MDB financial scandal , a decision analysts said could slam the door to a political comeback. “Under Malaysian law, Najib cannot stand for this election and the following electionContinue Reading