Australian PM Albanese to meet Biden in US after India trip, submarine deal expected

FEARSOME DETERRENT For the last year and a half, detailed behind-the-scenes talks have taken place between Washington, Canberra and London about Australia obtaining sensitive nuclear-propulsion technologies. Australia has ruled out acquiring nuclear weapons. It is the first time US-derived nuclear submarine technologies will be exported since the 1960s, when theContinue Reading

Right, left rage together against war

Thousands of people assembled at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, on February 19 to protest against the US proxy war using Ukrainians as cannon fodder to bring down Russia. It took as its name “Rage against the War Machine,” and it sought to bring together people of all political persuasions in opposing the war. “Everyone in; […]Continue Reading

China’s grand plan for a world-beating digital future

Beijing will set up a new department to implement its “Digital China” plan to improve the country’s information technology infrastructure and regulation over the next decade. Although the new body is known as the National Data Bureau, its mandate will not be limited to the management of data flow in China. It will replace the […]Continue Reading