THIMPHU, Bhutan: Businesses that want to set up in Bhutan’s new exclusive economic zone will have to do but” by particular invitation”, said the village’s Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay.
The Gelephu Mindfulness City, a charge to resurrect the country’s epidemic- hit economy, may include 1, 000 sq km, making it bigger than Singapore.
According to Mr. Tobgay in an exclusive interview, the city will be contemporary and reflect a “new form of industrial living.”  ,
The area will help Bhutan to start up to the rest of the world while keeping the nation” real to our values and beliefs, our customs and faith, our sense of sustainability”, he said.  ,
“( It will be ) a city in which people live in harmony with other people and bring out the best in other people,” he said.” There will be a living area in which people live in harmony with nature, where faith and conservation can live in harmony with individual growth and progress, happiness and wellbeing.
According to him, any companies that want to establish in the town must align with these principles.  ,
Businesses must be able to support the principles on which Gelephu Mindfulness City is based. Therefore, it is impossible to just have a meditation town built on great principles and ideals and then have any and all different kinds of businesses booming. They will be vetted”, he said.  ,
” For Gelephu Mindfulness City, there’s a special invitation” . ,
The area will be built near the town of Gelephu, along Bhutan’s southwestern border with India, and does not have a completion date as yet.