Bhutan wishes princess speedy recovery

Her Majesty Queen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck of Bhutan visits King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital yesterday to write a get-well message and present flowers for Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha Narendiradebyavati. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)
Her Majesty Queen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck of Bhutan visits King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital yesterday to write a get-well message and present flowers for Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha Narendiradebyavati. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)

Her Majesty Queen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck of Bhutan on Thursday visited King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital to write a get-well message and present flowers for Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha Narendiradebyavati.

The Bhutanese queen arrived at the hospital’s Bhumisiri Mangkhalanusorn Building, where she was greeted by hospital executives.

The queen’s hospital visit comes during her visit to Thailand as a special representative of His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

“To a Princess, who is beloved and inspires so many, we offer our heartfelt prayers for your swift recovery and will continue to do so every day,” read the queen’s message that was also signed on behalf of His Majesty the King and the people of Bhutan.

Her visit follows Buddhist ceremonies held for the princess in Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan, on Monday by the Royal Command of His Majesty the King of Bhutan, a statement from the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Thailand said. A special prayer was recited at Thimphu’s Pangri Zampa Monastery, wishing for the speedy recovery of the princess, the statement said. The prayer ceremony was attended by 70 Buddhist monks, members of the Royal Privy Council, senior officials from His Majesty’s Secretariat, representatives from the Royal Thai Honorary Consulate-General in Thimpu and from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bhutan.

At the Bhumisiri Mangkhalanusorn Building yesterday, the public and representatives from both the public and private sectors also presented bouquets and wrote messages for the princess’ speedy recovery.

One of the visitors was former convict Assawin Karbkaew, a restaurant owner, who said that he was grateful to the princess as she is the patron of a project helping former prisoners restart their lives. “I have been out of jail for over ten years, and during this time, I was taught certain skills to build my career after my release. The project is under HRH Princess Bajrakitiyabha’s patronage; it does not only equip prisoners with helpful skills but also with emotional strength,” he said.

On Thursday at parliament, prayer sessions by Buddhist, Christian and Islamic groups were attended by MPs wanting to wish the princess a swift recovery.

Parliament president Chuan Leek­- pai presided over the Buddhist prayer session at 8.30am. He also gave saffron robes and other offerings as a part of the merit-making ceremony. The Christian prayer was held at 9.30 am by Bishop Joseph Chusak Sirisut, president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Thailand. An Islamic ceremony was held at 10am which was joined by members of the parliament.

The Secretariat of the Senate also held an event yesterday, releasing 91 species of fish weighing more than 1,452 kilogrammes as a merit-making deed for the princess’ recovery.

The Bureau of the Royal Household announced that it had arranged a location where people could write their messages to the princess at the Bhumisiri Mangkhalanusorn Building. The service will be available from 8am to 4pm every day.