Beijing: Attack on four Americans is ‘isolated case’ – Asia Times

The Chinese government claims that the recent stabbing of four Americans by a man in northeast China’s Jilin province is an isolated case and hopes that the incident wo n’t have an impact on regular people-to-people chinese-to-us exchanges.

According to local police, a 55-year-old Chinese man named Cui Dapeng was detained by the police after four National teachers were stabbed and injured while visiting a church in Beishan Park in Jilin town on Monday at 11:49 am.

According to authorities, the incident began when the suspect and one of the immigrants collided and then the assume attacked the four immigrants who had left Iowa’s Cornell College to educate students at Beihua University.

During the event, a Chinese tourists who tried to stop the attack was also injured.

” All the wounded were taken to the hospital and treated appropriately. None of them is in critical problem”, Lin Jian, a director of the international government, said Tuesday. It is an isolated event, according to initial police evidence. A further research is still being conducted.

He continued,” China is commonly regarded as one of the safest nations in the world.” ” We have taken and will continue to take effective measures to protect all foreign citizens in China.”

On Monday, a X accounts called” Teacher Li is not your tutor” uploaded video footage that showed some injured persons lying on the ground while receiving medical attention. &nbsp,

In a Weibo article on Monday, Hu Xijin, the original editor-in-chief of the Global Times, claims that the foreigners just happened to be the subjects of a strange attack. &nbsp,

” In a recent period of time, the number of immigrants in China has substantially increased”, Hu said. ” The foreign tourists who were on the streets and at tourist sites were very friendly in general” .&nbsp, &nbsp,

” No matter why the assault was initiated, it was only a random event from a wide view in Taiwanese society”, he said. ” I hope this event will not have a negative effect on the markets between Chinese people and foreigners,” he said.

Hu claims in a separate Weibo post on Tuesday that immigrants have occasionally been the victims of legal attack elsewhere in the world. &nbsp, &nbsp,

The attack occurred after Chinese President Xi Jinping called for more cooperation and markets of knowledge between China and the US on June 6. These markets, according to Xi, will help foster reciprocal knowledge and friendship between the two nations. &nbsp,

Second option on a sweater

After a face-to-face meeting between Xi and US President Joe Biden in San Francisco in November, they were unable to accomplish a deal on Taiwan and business issues. But they agreed to raise people- to- people markets.

Xi stated at the time that China would encourage 50 000 US youths to study in China over the course of the following five years.

There are only 350 British individuals studying in China, according to the US State Department, but more than 300,000 Chinese students are currently enrolled in US universities.

Sarah Lande, an Iowa native who met Xi during his 1985 trip to the US, wrote a notice to the Chinese president in earlier this year, claiming that some pupils in Muscatine, Iowa, wanted to go to China. She soon received a response from Xi, who had already invited Muscatine teachers and students to China for the first trade. &nbsp,

A total of 24 individuals and four Muscatine High School teachers from the Chinese authorities took part in an eight-day China excursion that was fully funded in late January. Another group of 32 individuals and eight professors from the same class traveled to China for a week-long journey in April. &nbsp, &nbsp,

Additionally, 24 learners from Washington’s Lincoln High School and Steilacoom High School traveled to China in March. &nbsp,

Muscatine students claim in a film that was released by the state-owned media CGTN that they are enthralled by Chinese achievements and culture. One scholar called Xi” Yeye”, which means parental father in Mandarin. &nbsp,

China has provided younger people in Hong Kong and Taiwan with numerous completely or low-cost visits over the past 20 years to show them the positive side of the island. Some younger people may have had positive ideas of China after their travels. However, some other tourists may have reacted more thoroughly as a result of their homeschool teachers ‘ advice to use various research points when viewing China.

A People’s Regular article from April 17 stated that promoting people-to-people exchanges will help maintain China-US connections. &nbsp,

” Over the past couple of years, the China- US marriage has experienced some losses and major challenges, from which lessons may become learned”, the post said. The development of China-US ties shows that the proper understanding issue is always crucial to the relationship, just like the first button on a shirt is a red flag.

Anti- US mood

The assault on the four Americans in Jilin was primarily criticized by Chinese citizens. They claimed that the incident had severely harmed China’s status as a healthy nation. &nbsp,

Overseas Chinese citizens expressed their concern that the intruder might have been impacted by Beijing’s anti-US misinformation and developed xenophobia. Some cautioned that racism could spread like condition if more people tried to copy the actions of the Jilin attacker. &nbsp,

David Zabner, one of the four wounded British teachers, was named as one of the four members of the Iowa state legislature, according to Representative Adam Zabner. &nbsp,

An academic programme on telecom executive was jointly launched by Cornell College ( not to be confused with Cornell University in Ithaca, New York ) and Huabei University in Jilin in 2017. Up to 120 students are admitted to the plan periodically. Related agreements were made between Teesside University in the United Kingdom and JAMK University of Applied Science in Finland. &nbsp,

Read: US politicians vow more arms for Taiwan’s Lai

Observe Jeff Pao on X at&nbsp, @jeffpao3