Bangladeshi youth toppled Hasina. Can they spark real change? – Asia Times

” Inni, we are independent”! my 26-year-old aunt chanted from Shahbagh, a town in Bangladesh’s funds Dhaka, as thousands joined a big protest protest on Monday to the government’s Parliament House.

Soon after, social press was flooded with information of” a new freedom” – a free Bangladesh born after the autocratic president of over 15 times, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, fled the country in the face of angry public desire for her departure.

It marked the startling conclusion of days of turmoil that saw the deaths of 300 people and countless arrests.

The young activists who organized the demonstrations now have a real chance to influence the political discourse in a system of government that was originally oppressive. Does the time administration be able to hear the country’s needs and effect lasting change?

What’s been happening in new days?

Last month, student protests erupted because of a quota system that gave family members and veterans of Bangladesh’s independence battle of 1971 a 30 % of government jobs. The pupils demanded a merit-based program, deeming the existing one unjust and biased.

As the demonstrations grew, Bangladesh’s faux-democratic government entirely broke down. The state cut wireless internet, imposed a global shoot-on-sight law, and deployed the army and police to the streets.

The government’s aggressive response rapidly transformed the presentations into a full-fledged “people’s rebellion” aimed at toppling Hasina and her Awami League group.

After days of intense conflicts between student activists, officers and ruling party campaigners, the Supreme Court reduced the limit to only 5 % of work for veterans and their family. Demonstrators continued to demand transparency for the victims of the upheaval despite this agreement.

The government attempted to discredit Hasina, claiming that the opposition’s Bangladesh Nationalist Party ( BNP ) and the now-disbanded Jamaat-e-Islami party were behind the government’s claim that Hasina’s resignation was demanded.

The prime secretary cruelly retaliated against the protesters, which caused a significant decline in social trust. A consultant vehemently declined to meet with pupil leaders on Saturday when Hasina offered to meet with them.

In Thailand in April 2024, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina makes a speech. &nbsp, Photo: Narong Sangnak / EPA via The Talk

Sunday marked one of the deadliest days in Bangladesh’s story of civil unrest, with at least 98 people killed and hundreds injured.

Anti-government mood quickly grew, fueled by accusations that the state was intimidating protesters, refusing health care to injured patients, and arresting thousands for exercising their political rights.

As the unrest grew, Hasina’s grip on power weakened until she was eventually forced to flee.

Deep-seated injustice and indignation

Initial targets for student protests were the limit system, but general public unrest immediately emerged. Bangladeshis were upset over the authoritarian political culture, the weakening market and the government’s failure to address pressing issues, such as inequality, youth unemployment and higher inflation.

Despite the fact that Bangladesh has experienced significant economic growth since Hasina’s return to power in 2009, largely thanks to the garment industry, the discontent has grown.

Bangladesh has become one of the fastest-growing economies in the region. Over 25 million people have been rescued from poverty in the last 20 years, and the per capita income has tripled in the last ten years.

However, the economic fruits have been unevenly distributed, favoring the rich, who tend to support the Awami League. The wealthiest 10 % of the population controls 41 % of the nation’s income, while the bottom 10 % receives just 1.3 %.

The country’s economic success failed to meet the aspirations of the younger generation, in particular. By 2023, 40 % of those aged 15–29 were classified as” NEET”– which means” not in employment, education or training”. Higher unemployment rates are experienced by graduates from universities compared to those with lower education.

Rising inflation, reaching nearly 10 %, and increased living expenses have compounded these hardships. The government’s three-year price increases for electricity and gas caused high utility costs.

The root causes of the quota protests, therefore, ran deep. The disenchanted and politically marginalized youth in particular were particularly enraged by this anger. They vehemently demanded fair elections, accountability from the government, and the restoration of democratic standards.

Bottom-up transition to democracy

In all senses, Bangladesh has not been a democracy since its 1971 independence war against Pakistan. The country has been plagued by corruption, the suppression of free speech and the press, and flagrant repression of the opposition. These included extrajudicial killings, disappearances, and arrests based on political motives.

Elections have n’t been fair and free either. For instance, her main rivals boycotted the highly contentious January election, which brought Hasina to power for a fourth consecutive term. Many of their leaders were jailed.

But the recent protests have offered hope of a bottom-up transition to democracy.

Young people have played a pivotal role in bringing down Hasina’s government through their sheer numbers, as well as their spirit, resilience, defiance and solidarity. They were tech-savvy, too, ingeniously navigating the internet and mobile data crackdowns to mobilize protesters, both at home and abroad.

However, Bangladesh now requires competitive elections and a new form of government for a true democratic transition. Although the army has promised an all-party inclusive interim government, it’s not clear whether or not youth leaders will be invited to the table of directors.

Despite being highly educated and committed to democracy, young Bangladeshis – especially young women – have been marginalized by traditional, hierarchical and patriarchal political structures. In 2022, for example, only 0.29 % of parliamentarians were under 30, and 5.71 % were under 40.

The country’s youth have a significant opportunity to become politically empowered because of the current power vacuum. Youth issues are largely the root causes of the protests ‘ economic and social problems. Without adequate political representation and participation, there is a risk of further marginalization, increased distrust in the political process and potential democratic collapse.

While the road ahead is fraught with challenges, Bangladesh’s youth have demonstrated their readiness to fight for their rights and their future.

Intifar Chowdhury is lecturer in Government, Flinders University

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