According to CNA’s inspections, some significant bak kwa retailers like Lim Chee Guan and Century Bakkwa haven’t already raised their prices as of January 5 as of yet, compared to last year.  ,
Bee Cheng Hiang and other people have substantially raised own.
Fragrance Bak Kwa, which has been able to keep prices low thanks to using cutting-edge manufacturing techniques, said it has been able to keep prices low despite the fact that its prices have dropped since last year.
” We are using various kinds of technology to help us, like using solar ( power ) in our factory to help reduce the costs and better manage the costs,” said Fragrance Bak Kwa’s director of operations.  ,
” Also, we normally pre-order our flesh, therefore we try to get the best value for our meat to keep the price affordable for our shoppers”.
Century Bakkwa told CNA that product prices are rising. It currently pays S$ 45 ( US$ 33 ) for a kilogram of the more premium Spanish Iberico pork, up from S$ 39 in previous years.
The retailer hopes that its new products will bring in more clients, despite the store’s absence of any plans to raise prices. Simbian Chua, the company’s user, reported that sales are expected to be about 25 % higher than the same time last year.