B30 fertility treatment to tackle low birth rate

B30 fertility treatment to tackle low birth rate
People visit a children’s good in Bangkok in 2022. ( File photo: Somchai Poomlard )

The authorities is to include key fertility treatment in its 30- bass universal healthcare coverage programme to address Thailand’s low birth rate, according to the common health minister.

The National Health Security Board has approved a decision to incorporate fertility treatment at its first stage as part of the regional 30- baht healthcare coverage scheme because it was possible to do so, said Public Health Minister Cholnan Srikaew, who chairs the board.

The first step of the treatment consists of tips on behavioural changes to encourage childbirth and the treatment of chronic diseases that obstruct reproduction. Health experts at community- based services may offer for services, Dr Cholnan said.

The services are available for Thai girls aged 30- 40 years who have families and registered couples, the secretary said. He expected the fertility treatment service to reach 4, 150 Thai people who have fertility problems and want to have children.

” This is only one of many methods to address the lower birth rate”, Dr Cholnan said.

There were at least 1 million children annually in the country from 1963 to 1983 but merely 485, 085 children in 2022, the common health secretary said.