At 29 and married for just a month, she found out she had Stage 3.5 lymphoma and fought for her life

However, ultimately, it was the love and support from her parents, husband, brother and friends that helped her pull through. “They took turns to drive me to the hospital and worked out a schedule to make sure that as much as possible, someone would be there in the hospital with me,” she added.


Soh recalled the day she was due to go through her scan results with her doctor, five months after she first coughed out blood. “I felt more nervous than I was when going to collect my O-Level results,” she laughed. “There was also a bit of excitement. I knew if it was clear, I would no longer have to go through chemotherapy.”

“I remember stepping into my doctor’s office and seeing this huge grin on her face. This was the first time I’d ever seen her smiling so widely at me; she always had this frown on her face before. As soon as I saw her face, I put down the load in my heart,” she said.

Soh got the all-clear from her doctor. Her cancer was officially in remission.

It was a harrowing journey. However, as with many life-changing experiences, Soh’s brush with mortality changed her perspective and priorities.

Soh has since left her job as content manager. She and her husband now run Daily Vanity, where she is editorial director.

Realising how much she wanted to be a mother, she began trying for a baby two years after her cancer journey. After suffering from one miscarriage, she successfully gave birth to her eldest son a year later.