The Nusantara Authority’s head of Indonesia’s new capital city, Bambang Susantono, and his assistant Dhony Rahajoe both resigned from their jobs earlier this year.  ,
” The resignation of these two officials ( heads of Nusantara ) is quite interesting. This is because it is uncommon for Jokowi-era leaders to resign from business. Also, they are considered effective in carrying out their duties”, said Mr Ray, the democratic spectator.
Dr. Ambang believes that the two Nusantara authorities ‘ resignations are the result of their disagreements with Mr. Widodo.  ,
” The truth is that there is no proof, for example, of promises of an influx of foreign investors into Nusantara. The cost of funding this task is in fact quite high. Meanwhile, Mr Widodo still feels the need to realise ( the construction of Nusantara ) as his political legacy”, he said.
According to Mr. Baskoro, a political analyst at the Trias Politika Strategic Research Institute, there has n’t been a sense of synchronization between the president’s policies and those of his ministers recently, and vice versa.  ,
” This happens because policies are decided in a hurry, without any in- level research, do not regard the regional situation, and do not pay attention to the common interest”, Mr Agung told CNA.
The analysts also believe that Mr. Widodo’s recent tradition has been marred by a number of controversy, including the poll of his child, Mr. Gibran Rakabuming Raka, as the incoming vice-president following changes to the nation’s democratic laws.  ,
In addition, Mr. Widodo’s relationship with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle ( PDI-P) was severed as a result of his backing Mr. Prabowo in the recent election rather than Mr. Ganjar Pranowo, the party’s presidential candidate.  ,
Mr. Widodo, who is now not having a political group backing him, has no devoted backers, according to Mr. Ray from Lingkar Madani.
” As Mr Widodo’s term comes to an end, social troops are forming new rates. And in this new portfolio, his appearance is no longer at the center. Given that Mr. Widodo does not have the social influence that allows him to negotiate, it has been greatly reduced,” said Mr. Ray.
However, Trias Politika’s Mr. Agung argued that the incoming president may not abandon policies that might eventually prove challenging for the Prabowo administration.
Mr. Widodo may be concerned about whether Prabowo’s plans can be carried out or not, and make sure that his populist policies are appropriate for the needs of the people, according to Mr. Agung.