The payment under the Assurance Package Seniors ‘ Bonus will become given to elderly, aged 55 and over, who are residing in Singapore and do not own more than one home, said MOF.  ,
They must also have an assessable income of not more than S$ 34,000 and reside in properties with an annual benefit of up to S$ 31,000.
Seniors, aged 55 to 64, whose house has an annual benefit of up to S$ 21, 000 does get S$ 250 in February. Those over the age of 65 may get S$ 300.  ,
Elderly whose property has an annual value greater than S$ 21, 000 and up to S$ 31, 000 may get S$ 200.
According to the finance ministry, available seniors could get their cash payments as early as Feb 5, depending on how they are going to be paid.  ,
Starting February 5, consumers who have connected their PayNow to their NRIC will start receiving the rewards. Their NRIC may be linked to bank accounts held by any of these banks:  ,  .
- Bank of China
- Citibank
- GXS Bank
- HSBC Bank,
- MariBank
- Maybank
- OCBC Bank
- RHB Bank
- Standard Chartered Bank
- State Bank of India
- Trust Bank ,
- UOB Bank
Those who are paying with GIRO or GovCash will get it on February 13, and February 21, both.  ,
As for the MediSave top-up, Singapore aged 20 and above or 55 and above will be receiving the profit.  ,
From February 11, those who qualify will have the payments automatically credited to their Central Provident Fund ( CPF ) accounts, according to MOF.  ,
Regardless of the monthly home values or the assessable revenue of the 2 million Singaporeans who live there, it added, about 2 million will gain from this top-up.  ,
Messages AFTER Rewards CREDITED
” Eligible recipients will be notified via SMS after the benefit ( s ) have been credited”, said MOF.  ,
” Consumers who do not receive an SMS or have a Singpass-registered mobile amount will be notified via a letter sent to their target on their NRIC.
After MediSave is credited to their child’s CPF bill, MediSave recipients who are 16 or above will get a letter from their parents or guardians.  ,
” To guard against frauds, the SMS alert sent from’ gov. SMS” will only inform citizens of their benefit( s ),” said MOF.  ,
Citizens won’t be asked to respond to the SMS, press any links, or give the sender any information.  ,
No payments will be sent using WhatsApp or other portable communication services, according to the government.  ,