‘I want to be a good mum’: How this new mother overcame job loss and baby blues to emerge more confident

When Myra was around six months old, I started to open up about my postnatal blues. I spoke to my church leader, who supported people with their emotional problems. He helped me to see motherhood in a more positive and fulfilling light and introduced me to various coping strategies. 

Though the general stresses of mothering remained, with all the help I’d been getting and the fact that I was able to work, I felt much better. 

It was also reassuring that I no longer felt as if my identity was confined to being only a mum. I was more than that – I was also a daughter, wife, sister, and friend.

At this point, I also became more aware that I had mixed feelings about motherhood.  

Being a mum was exhausting, but it was also fulfilling. While I was frustrated at the amount of tasks I had to do, I was also happy and grateful for taking care of Myra. Even though I missed having “me” time and wanted time away from Myra, I also always wanted to be with her as I didn’t want to miss any of her milestone moments. 

It’s strange because I know I’m contradicting myself. I’ve learned that being a mum includes all these ups and downs, and ironic feelings. 

In January 2021, I found out I was pregnant again. 

Kelvin and I weren’t entirely prepared for another child. We were just starting to get to know Myra, I was still winging it at parenting and I was just returning to the workforce.