‘Collective ambiguity’ on Taiwan needs shoring up

Since the United States terminated its formal alliance with Taiwan in 1979, Washington has & nbsp, adhered & nbsp, to a strategy known as” strategic ambiguity”.

The Taiwan Relations Act, which Congress passed in that same year, declares that the United States did” regard any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by another than quiet indicates… a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States”.

It also specifies that” the President and the Congress may determine the appropriate action in response to any such hazard”. This language & nbsp, resembles & nbsp, the United States ‘ formal alliance treaties with its Indo – Pacific allies, but falls short of an explicit defense commitment.

In order to communicate to Beijing that Washington might defend the self – governing island, US presidents and officials have & nbsp, routinely & nbsp, referred to the US policy towards Taiwan as being rooted in the Taiwan Relations Act and made general references to its interest in peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

In the last few years, however, President Biden has explicitly declared on & nbsp, four & nbsp, occasions that the United States would defend Taiwan. That said, the White House walked up Biden’s remarks each moment saying that there had been no change in US plan, adding more confusion to” proper ambiguity”.

On top of this shift, the Biden administration has pursued a new strategy that could be termed” collective & nbsp, strategic ambiguity”. Piece of Washington’s effort to bolster punishment across the Taiwan Strait has involved signaling to China that there could be a combined allied effort to defend the status quo.

Since Biden entered office, Washington has released joint statements with nine of its formal treaty allies– Australia, & nbsp, Canada, & nbsp, France, & nbsp, Germany, & nbsp, Italy, & nbsp, Japan, & nbsp, the Philippines, & nbsp, South Korea, and the & nbsp, United Kingdom– that include a line in the vein of” we emphasize / underscore / reaffirm the importance of preserving peace and stability in / across the Taiwan Strait”.

In June 2021, Kurt Campbell, the White House Coordinator for the Indo – Pacific, indicated the Biden administration’s intention with these comments. Discussing the references to Taiwan in the & nbsp, US – Japan & nbsp, and & nbsp, the & nbsp, US – South Korea & nbsp, joint statements issued earlier that year, he & nbsp, declared & nbsp, that” we are seeking to take these concerted actions to send a clear message of resolve that we are determined to maintain that peace and stability” across the Taiwan Strait.

These joint statements have resulted from various types of diplomatic engagements at different levels of seniority, including bilateral & nbsp, leadership – level & nbsp, summits, bilateral 2 2 & nbsp, ministerial dialogues, & nbsp, trilateral & nbsp, ministerial meetings, and a & nbsp, G7 & nbsp, summit.

Importantly, some of these combined claims mentioned Taiwan for the first time always or in decades. For instance, in April 2021, when Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga made an official visit to Washington, the leaders & nbsp, released & nbsp, a joint statement that referenced their shared interest in the” importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait”, marking the & nbsp, first time & nbsp, since 1969 that Taiwan was mentioned in a joint statement by the two countries.

In June of that year the G7( made up of 6 NATO members and Japan ) & nbsp, published & nbsp, a joint statement in which they referenced Taiwan for the very & nbsp, first time, declaring that they” underscore the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait”.

New Philippine President Marcos Jr is resetting his world’s relations with China. Photograph: Twitter

More recently, when Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. made an official visit to Washington in May of this year, a US – Philippines joint statement & nbsp, declared & nbsp, that” they affirm the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait”.

Even outside of mutual claims with the United States, officials and senior leaders of US allies have made responses suggesting that their countries may get involved in a Taiwan disaster.

For example, Taro Aso, the deputy prime minister of Japan, said in July 2021 that if Taiwan experiences a significant event, it is not at all uncommon to view it as an existential threat. Japan and the US will need to cooperate in this situation to justify Taiwan.

It would be” inconceivable” for Australia not to participate in a US defense of Taiwan, according to Australian Defense Minister Peter Dutton & nbsp in November 2021. Given” our geographical location ,” President Marcos & nbsp stated in February of this year that it is” very difficult to imagine a scenario in which the Philippines will not somehow get involved” in the Taiwan conflict.

In addition to these emails, US friends in the Indo-Pacific are working to strengthen their military abilities in ways that may aid in Taiwan’s defense. US defence teamwork is essential to these initiatives.

For instance, the United States will sell Australia three to five nuclear-powered attack submarines( SSNs ) as well as share its nuclear propulsion technology to assist Australia in developing its own SSN through the AUKUS partnership between Australian, British, and American nations that was & nbsp, formed & msb, in 2021.

This will help Australia to travel to the waters surrounding Taiwan to carry out operations like anti-submarine war against China’s subsurface andnbsp, ship, which poses a threat and an threat to US carrier groups that would be essential to defending Taiwan.

Similar to this, Japan announced plans for counter-strike functions this season, including the purchase of 400 intermediate-range Tomahawk cruise missiles from the US. These do allow Japan to attack China’s weapon missiles and command and control facilities, which would lead to an intrusion of Taiwan.

Additionally, the United States has started preparing with its allies for possible joint actions. For instance, in April 2021, the interim US ambassador to Australia Michael Goldman andnbsp asserted that the US and Australia were” strategic planning” for a” range of contingencies ,” of which Taiwan is an” important component.” Similar to this, it was reported andnbsp that the United States and Japan had developed a joint operation schedule in December 2021 in response to an emergency in Taiwan.

President Biden expressed assurance that the United States and its allies are willing to maintain the status quo when he spoke at the G7 summit in May of this year. ” There is clear understanding among most of our allies that, in fact, if China were to act unilaterally, there would be a response ,” He & nbsp stated. The United States had 34 proper treaty allies at the time of this statement, including five in the Indo-Pacific and 29 in NATO.

G7 summit in 2023. Office of the Hiroshima G7 Summit

Despite this sign, there is still uncertainty regarding not only the kind of support that allies would offer, but also whether they would also offer support. Some analysts, for instance, are deeply and skeptically skeptical of any potential contributions from NATO allies as to whether they & nbsp, couldn’t, and would & nfspp, make significant military contributions.

Analysts are uncertain as to whether US supporters in the Indo-Pacific would offer any significant military assistance, even as there is confusion.

Only two US allies in the Indo-Pacific, Australia and Japan, could be expected to support the United States, according to a recent report by the RAND Corporation & nbsp. The authors also draw the conclusion that this support would likely only fall under the category of” limited support” rather than” operations support ,” which would entail offering the” full range of its capabilities.”

As a result, it may be more logical to assume that allied support had mostly consist of sanctions regimes resembling those that Washington and its allies imposed on Russia in response to their conquest of Ukraine.

However, given that China probably anticipates sanctions and would have factored these anticipated expenses into its calculations, the threat of sanctions may do little to discourage China. Additionally, sanctions and nbsp may be deemed unnecessary due to the expensive global economic and consequences that may result from a conflict, suggesting that US allies may not see much benefit in sanctioning China.


The United States may take the following steps to support this shared signaling to China that Taiwan may be defended jointly:

  • First, the US should develop thorough plans with its allies that specify certain roles for how they can support US forces in an emergency, whether they be in operational, reconnaissance, or combat.
  • Second, in order to lessen China’s propensity to retaliate against” provocations” to appease public nationalist sensibilities, Washington and its allies should privately inform Beijing of the existence of some sort of contingency planning.
  • Finally, the United States and its allies may eventually start to do joint exercises drilling these plans, depending on the willingness of some US ally to withstand prospective pushback from China.

Together, these actions might persuade China’s command that US allies are sincere about taking part in a US defence of Taiwan, which might increase deterrence against probable aggression.

Additionally, in the event of a punishment failure, organized planning may lead to an outcome that is more likely to deny China its goal. The culmination of peace across the Taiwan Strait may be better ensured by the United States and its allies in this way.

( rupert @ schulenburg.co ) Rupert Schulenburg Uk) is an scientist who focuses on US-China competitors, US alliances, force posture, and Indo-Pacific security. He holds a BA( hons ) in international relations from the School of Oriental and African Studies( SOAS ) at the University of London as well as an MPhil in global security studies from St Andrews University. On Twitter, he can be found at & nbsp, @ R _ Schulenburg.

This content was first released by Pacific Forum, and it is being reprinted with their consent. A previous version was released by