New guidelines for e-commerce businesses to cut down on packaging waste 

The e-commerce marketplaces ‘ efforts to raise awareness and obligations among vendors and promote sustainable packaging to customers are also covered.

Customers in Singapore are available to more responsible presentation and may even be willing to pay extra for environmentally friendly options, according to a recent review by WWF-Singapore.

A checklist is provided for companies to evaluate their conservation efforts and identify areas for improvement in the guidelines. &nbsp,

According to NEA, SMF, and SingPost, “based on real-world case studies, firms may discover opportunities to reduce package requirements by up to 90 %, such as by switching from a cardboard cardboard box to a similar-sized paper mailer.”

For instance, Watsons Singapore, a beauty and health brand, used shredded paper to replace bubble wrap, cutting costs by 5 to 10 %. Sealed Air, a manufacturer of packaging, discovered that using less protective packaging and cutting plastic and paper mailer material by 30 % to 50 % made it easier for apparel retailers to use less protective packaging.

Sessions will be held in accordance with the Packaging Partnership Programme, which was launched in 2021 and is managed by SMF, to encourage businesses to adopt these rules.

Packaging spend is a crucial part of Singapore’s Zero Waste Masterplan, which aims to increase the country’s recycling level to 70 % by 2030. &nbsp,

” All participants in the e-commerce habitat, including businesses and consumers, have a significant role to play in responsibly managing package materials,” said NEA, SMF, and SingPost.