Phuket to set up local ‘waste banks’

Land is looking for better ways to cope with rising garbage volumes.

Phuket has five landfills but three older ones have been shut to prevent a negative impact on nearby residents. (Photo: Reuters)
Phuket has five dumps, but three of them have been closed in order to stop the local citizens from getting sick. ( Photo: Reuters )

Authorities on the tourist area are looking for better ways to manage the 1,200 tonnes of waste generated every day, so Phuket City is preparing to launch a” area spend bank” program.

On Wednesday, lieutenant governor Supachok Laongpetch highlighted the growing difficulties of waste management in Phuket province, especially in the metropolitan area.

As part of a larger effort to address control and removal issues, the city has collaborated with local communities to set up a spare bank in each neighborhood, according to Mr. Supachok.

He claimed that the spare bank was created to encourage sustainable waste management practices, increase local communities, and reduce waste.

The program encourages residents of communities to individual recyclable materials like paper and plastic containers, which can be sold at the spare banks. He predicted that the program would eventually cover various areas of Phuket.

Regular daily spend level in Phuket is 1, 200 kilograms. The number compares with 961 tonnes in 2023 and 742 tonnes in 2022, generally reflecting the quick recovery in tourism amounts.

The state now operates one burning flower, which can only handle up to 700 tons per day. Due to this, waste are required to store 500 tons of spend each time.

Additionally, one of the facility’s burning units is currently undergoing repair, which reduces the ability for incineration to 300 tons per time, further increasing the amount of waste that is sent to landfills to 900 tons. This could cause unpleasant odors to affect local communities.

Phuket City has granted permission to a private company to construct a waste-to-energy herb that can process up to 500 tons of spend per day and generate about 10 megawatts of electricity in response to the growing spend level. By 2027, the herb is anticipated to be finished and will continue to operate for 20 years.

Phuket has five waste, covering a total place of 120 ray. The fourth and fifth websites, which are located close to the coastline, are now receiving fresh waste because the first three, which are close to communities, were shut to stop them from causing a problem for the residents.

The city has set up a centralized control service for hazardous waste. It collects and disposes of hazardous substances, such as batteries, bright lights and aerosol cans from firms, ensuring appropriate waste in accordance with sector regulations.

Similarly, infectious spare from institutions, which amounts to 2.2 kilos per day, is collected and treated using gas google technology to prevent the spread of diseases.