What happened before Hu Jintao was escorted out of Congress? CNA captured rare footage in lead-up

These moments took place just shortly after the media, including CNA, had been allowed to move from a holding area into the hall to witness proceedings.

Just minutes before that, Chinese state media had reported that a new central committee had been elected by the Party Congress, which journalists were not allowed into witness. 

Seated on Mr Hu’s other side, Chinese President Xi Jinping looks on before turning away, while outgoing Premier Li Keqiang who was seated next to him keeps his gaze straight ahead.  

Mr Li is then seen sliding the stack of papers away from 79-year-old Mr Hu while saying something to him, as the former leader looks ahead.

Mr Xi, who took over as Chinese leader from Mr Hu between late 2012 and early 2013, then appears to try and get someone’s attention. Mr Kong Shaoxun, head of the Communist Party’s secretariat, approaches and speaks with him before leaving. 

Sitting next to Mr Li, ideology tzar Wang Huning who was reappointed to the Communist Party’s top decision-making politburo standing committee on Sunday, is seen gesturing at Mr Hu.

Another staff member approaches Mr Hu and holds on to his chair, while listening to Mr Xi who gestures at the documents on the table in front of him. 

The male staff member nods in acknowledgement, before moving between Mr Hu and Mr Li.

In the next few moments, Mr Li exchanges a few words with the staff member while the latter picks up the documents on the table.

Local and foreign media are positioned on level two of the auditorium and watch as Mr Wang looks to be glancing upwards in their direction. He says something to the group. 

The staff member then supports Mr Hu’s arm and appears to try and lift him out of his chair. He’s also holding on to a pair of spectacles, presumably the one that was on the table in front of Mr Hu previously.

Head of the Party’s secretariat Mr Kong approaches to help with Mr Hu’s chair as the former president gets up but Mr Hu appears to turn back to his seat and at one point reaches for the documents in the staff’s hand, even as attempts are made to usher him along. 

Eventually, Mr Hu starts to walk towards the stage exit, while being supported by the member of the staff.  

But he stops to say something to Mr Xi who nods and replies him briefly. As Mr Hu leaves, he is also seen patting Premier Li’s shoulder as he walks past.