Moona Kader Sultan, a Tamil Muslim merchant known as” the Cattle King,” who designed and constructed the palace in his quest to become a prosperous merchant, is the hero in Karikal Mahal: A Silence See.
It eventually became the Malayan Magic Circle, a fellowship whose shared interest in musical magic grew out of it. World War II captives who were imprisoned there for 16 days were also present at the palace.
The “rojak structures” of Karikal Mahal, which again featured a main building that was bulldozed in the 1970s to create approach for the construction of Also Road South, captured the attention of executive producer Jean Yeo from Ochre Pictures.
But this ambitious style, combining Western, Roman, Indian and Muslim parts, was difficult to replicate on collection. However, the original mansion’s interior had been transformed into two classrooms, and its structural components were hard to find locally.