Teenager who killed River Valley High schoolmate with axe loses appeal for shorter jail term

Warning: This history contains links to death.

A teenager in Singapore was sentenced to 16 years in prison for killing his classmate with an axe at River Valley High School, but his appeal was denied on Wednesday ( October 23 ), and his sentence was not reduced.

The girl, who turned 19 this year and never be named as he was 16 at the time of the shooting, had asked for eight to 10 times ‘ prison instead. &nbsp,

The Court of Appeal noted that his idea approach was rational and that he was aware of the nature and perverseness of his deeds when it dismissed the charm.

The three-judge judge furthermore noted that the unhappy girl had refused to get help and that there was no justification for the retribution principle to be applied in this case.

His defense lawyer said he would not get pursuing other options, such as political clemency, in response to questions from CNA.

In an unparalleled murder that shocked the country, the girl attacked 13-year-old Ethan Hun Zhe Kai in a school bathroom on July 19, 2021.

Ethan was a strange destination and was subsequently attacked from the rear after the predator posted a tape to avert other people from entering.

The criminal called the police after and said:” I only killed someone. With an knife. I do n’t know who. Do you plan to give one or not?”

The shooting was a part of what the sentencing judge referred to as his” twisted strategy,” which included killing more than one person in a rampage in order to force the police to choose whether to take him in the head.


After the Institute of Mental Health ( IMH) determined that the offender had a significant depressive disorder at the time, the charge was dropped to culpable homicide.

He was significantly impacted by the disorder’s ability to determine whether his actions were wrong, and the defense of less duty was applied to him, lowering the cost.

He had previous court appearances as a client at IMH, and he had previously attempted murder twice, including at the age of 14, half.

The trial had sought 12 to 16 years ‘ jail, while the army sought five decades.

According to an IMH review, the offender understood that his actions were morally and legally wrong, yet with his depression, and that he still had control over his actions.

The sentencing judge noted that the defendant” consciously decided to kill in school” because he believed that the latter would have a higher chance of executing one before being subdued in people.

In organizing and preparing for the killing, Justice Hoo Sheau Peng said the offender “exhibited a cold degree of malice and warm logic” and sentenced him to 16 years in prison.

He picked arms, tested and sharpened them, and practiced using them to their full potential by watching movies.

He also had the school’s floor plan pictures on his cellular phone, chose the lavatory site because it was far away from his classroom, and had already put the weapons in storage.

In her justification, Justice Hoo stated that” His whole program was premised on his eager attention that what he planned to do would be so absurd and brutal that it could not but inspire a destructive response from law enforcement officers.

According to Mr. Sunil Sudheesan and Ms. Joyce Khoo of Quahe Woo &amp, Palmer, 16 times was a crushing punishment for the younger criminal. &nbsp,

In a notice to Ethan’s family, they focused their claims on the limiting value of their client’s emotional illness, his treatment options, and the intense grief he expressed.