Dyson layoffs: Singapore needs to find balance between protecting workers, business flexibility, says MOM

SINGAPORE: To remain attractive to companies, Singapore has to strike the right balance between workers ‘ welfare and the country’s pro-business stance, Senior Minister of State for Manpower Zaqy Mohamad said in parliament on Tuesday ( Oct 15 ).

Following a recent downsizing at the consumer electronics company &nbsp, Dyson, he responded to inquiries from Members of Parliament about cutbacks and notifying organizations in advance.

The United Workers of Electronics &amp, Electrical Industries ( UWEEI ) &nbsp, said it was given only a day’s notice, and escalated the issue to the Ministry of Manpower ( MOM). &nbsp, Dyson is a UWEEI unionised business.

According to Mr. Zaqy, the government has spoken with the parties and that they have both agreed to work together “in the heart of tripartism.”

He noted that in some other places, organizations and companies have a more aggressive marriage, or the employment industry is more restrictive.

According to him,” This makes a country less appealing for businesses to invest in,” adding that there needs to be a fine balance between allowing some flexibility for businesses and protecting people.

” If we do not get the balance right, we may think that we are &nbsp, protecting our workers in the short term. But in the longer word, the good&nbsp, tasks for our staff may become reduced”, he said.

That’s because, according to Mr. Zaqy, Singapore had become a less attractive place for businesses to invest in and businesses may choose to operate outside or to contract work abroad.

He argued that Singapore needs to maintain its economic attractiveness and that businesses must be able to change and adapt to market conditions. &nbsp,


Because the retrenched employees were no unionized, according to Mr. Zaqy in Dyson’s circumstance, the amount of notice was transferable.

For unionised workers, the rule is to tell the coalition a fortnight before notifying employees.

He claimed that the business had explained why it was unable to provide the coalition more in advance. He added that each company had its own limitations.

According to him,” Dyson handled the recent cutbacks exercise in accordance with our regulations and bilateral recommendations.”