PSLE students will not be penalised for late arrival as MRT disruption continues on exam day: SEAB

The East-West Line train was hampered by its second day on Thursday ( Sep 26 ), which coincided with the start of the Primary School Leaving Examination ( PSLE ) written exams.

The Singapore Examination and Assessment Board ( SEAB) was informed on Wednesday that the Land Transport Authority ( LTA ) had made arrangements. &nbsp,

In response to questions about potential students who might be delayed, SEAB stated that exam candidates would not be held accountable for being delayed due to coach service disruptions. &nbsp,

If candidates arrive at the exam center before the paper’s conclusion, they will be given the entire duration of the assignment, according to a spokesperson.

It noted that students had been briefed on existing agreements.

They may call the exam center and continue making their way it, or to the nearest test center or school, if they are delayed by the MRT disturbance.

If they need assistance with information, they can also talk to employees at MRT stations.

On Thursday, PSLE individuals will take their Foundation English Language Papers 1 and 2 as well as their English Language Papers 1 and 2.

Paper 1 starts at 8.15am while Paper 2 starts at 10.30am.