Biobots pushing boundaries of life, death and medicine – Asia Times

Traditional beliefs about life and death are incompatible. However, the development of new complex life forms from dead cell tissues opens up a” third position” that extends beyond the traditional restrictions of life and death.

Typically, scientists believe that suicide is the inevitable stoppage of an organism’s overall functioning. However, practices such as tissue payment emphasize how organs, tissues and cells can continue to work even after an individual’s demise. This endurance raises the question: What mechanisms keep some cells active after an organism has passed away?

We are scientists who study what transpires within living things after they pass away. In a recently published evaluation, we explain how some cells can develop into complex organisms with novel functions when given nutrients, oxygen, bioelectricity, or biochemical cues.

Lifestyle, death and development of anything new

The second state challenges the way that cell behavior is commonly understood by scientists. While moths metamorphosing into insects, or newts evolving into insects, may be common development modifications, there are few occasions where microorganisms change in ways that are not predetermined.

HeLa cells, as well as cancers, organoids, and mobile lines that may divide indefinitely in a petri dish are not regarded as second states because they do not acquire new abilities.

However, researchers discovered that body cells from dying frog eggs were able to adapt to the new conditions in a petri dish by reprogramming them into multicellular organisms, called xenobots.

These animals displayed behaviors that go beyond their original physiological functions. Specifically, these xenobots use their flagella – little, hair-like structures – to understand and proceed through their surroundings, whereas in a life frog blastocyst, cilia are commonly used to move fluid.

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Xenobots may move, cure, and communicate with their surroundings on their own.

Xenobots can also carry out kinetic self-replication, which means they can literally recreate their structure and function without growing. This contrasts with more prevalent synthesis procedures that involve organism-specific system or organ development.

Additionally, researchers have discovered that single human lung cells can form into small, multicellular organisms that can walk around. These anthrobots act and are shaped in novel way. They are able to navigate their surroundings as well as repair both local hurt neuron cells and themselves.

These findings, taken together, raise the question of how plastic biological systems are and how they can support the notion that cells and organisms can only evolve in preset ways. According to the next state, biological death may have a substantial impact on how life evolves over time.

Microscopy images of a black blob fusing together two groundglass walls in three panels, and a green web plugging a gap in a web of pink
An anthrobot constructs a bridge across a scratched nerve in Diagram A over the course of three weeks. At the conclusion of Day 3, Diagram B shows the” thread” in green. Gumuskaya et cetera. 2023/Advanced Science, CC BY-SA

Postmortem problems

Whether some tissues and cells may live and continue to function after an cell has died depends on a number of factors. These include climate conditions, physiological activity and preservation methods.

Different cell types have different success rates. For instance, in people, white blood cells die between 60 and 86 days after biological death. Skeletal muscle tissues may be regrown in mice after 14 days necropsy, while sheep and goat fibroblast cells can be cultured for up to a fortnight postmortem.

Metabolic activity is crucial to whether cells can continue to work and live. More difficult to society than cells with lower power requirements, effective cells that require a constant and large supply of energy to sustain their functionality. Cryogenics and other survival methods have the ability to function in the same way as bone marrow from living donor sources.

In addition, intrinsic life methods are crucial in whether cells and tissues continue to exist. For example, scientists have observed a considerable increase in the task of stress-related alleles and immune-related genes after biological death, likely to compensate for the loss of balance. Moreover, factors such as trauma, infection and the time elapsed since death significantly affect tissue and cell viability.

Microscopy image of developing white and red blood cells
White blood cells are among the different types of cells that have different survival capacities. Photo: Ed Reschke /Stone via Getty Images / The Conversation

Factors such as age, health, sex and type of species further shape the postmortem landscape. The difficulty of transferring metabolically active islet cells from donors to recipients is illustrated by the difficulty of culturing and transplanting them. Many islet transplant failures are due to autoimmune processes, high energy costs, and the degeneration of protective mechanisms, according to researchers ‘ research.

It is unclear how these interactions enable some cells to function even after an organism has died. One theory is that intricate electrical circuits are made up of specially designed channels and pumps embedded in cells ‘ outer membranes.

These channels and pumps create electrical signals that enable cells to communicate with one another, carry out specific functions like growth and movement, and shape the structure of the organism they form.

It’s unclear how many different cell types can change after death. Previous research has discovered that specific genes involved in stress, immunity, and epigenetic regulation are activated after death in mice, zebrafish, and people, indicating a wide range of cell types ‘ potential for transformation.

Implications for biology and medicine

The third state not only provides fresh insights into the capacity for adaptation of cells. It also offers prospects for new treatments.

For example, anthrobots could be sourced from an individual’s living tissue to deliver drugs without triggering an unwanted immune response. In the future, engineered anthrobots injected into the body may be able to remove excess mucus from cystic fibrosis patients and dissolve arterial plaque in atherosclerosis patients.

Importantly, these multicellular organisms have a finite life span, naturally degrading after four to six weeks. This “kill switch” prevents the growth of potentially invasive cells.

A better understanding of how some cells continue to function and evolve into multicellular entities after an organism’s demise may be useful for developing personalized and preventive medicine.

At City of Hope, Alex Pozhitkov is senior technical lead of bioinformatics, Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences, and Peter A. Noble is associate professor of microbiology at University of Washington.

This article was republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.