Police report lodged over suspected bullying incident involving Bukit View Secondary School students: Principal

The parents of the Bukit View Secondary School ( BTVSS) student who was allegedly bullied in a video that appeared on TikTok on Sunday ( 15 ) lodged a police report. &nbsp,

After another student kicked a BTVSS scholar in the back in the film, which went popular before being deleted, a BTVSS pupil was sent sprawling to the ground.

Additionally, images of the target showing him crying out in pain as other students made fun of him was captured on camera.

At least five other students were present at what appeared to be a Housing Development Board ( HDB) void deck when the incident occurred.

In response to CNA’s questions, BTVSS main Jaswant Singh&nbsp, said on Monday the class does not condone abuse and it takes a” critical perspective of such misbehaviour”.

He added that the class is aware of a new online video ripoff.

” The event, which occurred outside of school facilities in October 2023, was not reported to the school at the time”, Mr Singh said.

” The institution soon checked in on the well-being of the pupil, who did not report any injury at that time, following the flow of the picture.”

BTVSS may counsel the kids involved as well as take administrative steps where appropriate, he said, adding that a&nbsp, police statement has been lodged by the victim’s families.


In response to a parliamentary question asked by then-Workers’ Party MP Leon Perrera on the anti-bullying and anti-cyberbullying policies in place at primary and secondary schools, the Ministry of Education ( MOE ) said in 2021 it takes a serious view on any form of bullying, including cyber and gender-based bullying.

” All institutions send a clear message to students that bullying is unacceptable and has no place in our universities,” the statement continued.

” Universities monitor the school environment and discipline carefully, and take informative, preventive and treatment measures to address cyberbullying situations”.

According to the Education Ministry, trained school staff will investigate allegations of harassment, offer counseling to students involved, and decide whether to take appropriate disciplinary action when it is reported.