Family-friendly practices are ‘key part’ of recruiting and retaining talent: Indranee

According to Minister Indranee Rajah on Thursday ( Aug 22 ), employers who are concerned about the business impact of their staff taking additional parental leave should be aware that the workplaces and the workforce have changed.

” Given that this is important to young people, having family-friendly techniques is a key element of skill recruitment and retention.

According to CNA’s Singapore Tonight program,” Any company that wants to get away and had a good, solid workplace would need to have democratic workplace practices,” which include all of these points.

Ms Indranee, who oversees the National Population and Talent Division at the Prime Minister’s Office, was speaking on important changes to Singapore’s parental leave preparations that were announced on Sunday.

When a new system is fully implemented on April 1, 2026, parents may receive an additional 10 days of shared leave to care for their children. &nbsp,

The new system will be implemented in stages to minimize the effects on employers and give them time to change their workforce and functional arrangements.

Prime Minister Lawrence Wong also made the announcement in his National Day Rally conversation that new parents will receive four months of government-paid paternity leave, an increase from the current two days ‘ two-week mandatory leave. &nbsp,

These changes, which are part of the president’s endeavors to provide stronger parenting support for families, will bring the total paid left to 30 weeks or about 7.5 months, away from the latest 20 weeks. &nbsp,