Indonesia’s President Jokowi reshuffles Cabinet two months before term ends, but critics question if changes are necessary


The change, according to observers, is too small for the ministers to be effective in their work because it is only two months until Mr. Jokowi’s term ends.

” This change is needless. To maximize achievements and efficiency, the federal should concentrate on the remaining two months, according to Mr. Agung.

The Jokowi federal claimed the change would facilitate the transition of power.

“( The reshuffle ) is needed to prepare and support the transition of government to run well, smoothly and effectively”, Presidential Special Staff Coordinator Ari Dwipayana said on Monday, as quoted by Detik.

According to Mr. Agung, it was possible that those chosen on Monday would provide in Mr. Prabowo’s administration. ” Finally, they can be in line with his plans. But if they are replaced again ( in the Prabowo government ), then this ( reshuffle ) will be redundant”, Mr Agung said.

But, Mr. Ray claimed that there was no guarantee that Mr. Prabowo may continue to work with Mr. Jokowi once he took over. &nbsp,

” Jokowi is brave enough, when he disagrees he may openly declare it”, Mr Ray said.


There are still three PDI-P officials in Mr Jokowi’s case, including the cabinet minister, but watchers suspect that they will not be affected by any additional alterations, as their positions are not proper, unlike the secretary of law and human rights.

” That is Jokowi’s authority. But sometimes because Yasona had made a deadly mistake, he was replaced. All parties want to keep the Ministry of Law and Human Rights ‘ corporate status because all their celebration disputes, including those involving rivals, will get resolved through the government, Mr. Ujang told CNA.

At the same time, keeping some PDI-P officials in the Cabinet could also be piece of Mr Jokowi’s plan. ” The aim is that for PDIP to be half-hearted in criticism, it should not be allowed to disrupt the balance of the state”, Mr Ray said.

With 16.72 percentage of the vote, PDI-P won the parliamentary elections in February. Following in second and third place were Mr Prabowo’s supporting coalition parties, Golkar ( 15.28 per cent ) and Gerindra ( 13.22 per cent ). &nbsp,

PDI-P has no stated whether it will add the ruling partnership or form the opposition. The group congress that will take place next year will decide PIDI-P’s place.

The group, chaired by Ms Megawati Soekarnoputri, the child of Indonesia’s primary leader Soekarno, has also but to remark on the overhaul.

” Would the reaction be severe, or did they just watch? They may even remove all their officials”, Mr Agung said.

Mr. Ray added that the modifications might even stifle PDI-P’s desire to further criticize Mr. Jokowi.

” PDI-P may be freer and will no longer have the discomfort to denounce Jokowi”, Mr Ray said.