WSJ’s Nord Stream tall tale targets Zelensky, Zaluzhny – Asia Times

The Nord Stream network was allegedly destroyed by the Ukrainians in September 2022, according to several reports from Germany and the US. &nbsp,

The most recent article, headlined in the Wall Street Journal ( WSJ), may lead us to believe that Valerii Zaluzhny, the former head of the Ukrainian armed forces, first approved the pipeline’s story and that it was carried out by Ukrainian President Vladymyr Zelensky. &nbsp,

The also unknown blast rendered three of Nord Stream’s four lines, which deliver oil from Russia to Europe, useless. Germany, Sweden, and Denmark launched three separate damage studies, but the latter two closed in February 2024 without formally acknowledging the injury.

According to the WSJ report, Zelensky attempted to call off the strike when the US warned him against it after the plotting was carried out by a motley crew of Russian army officers and civilians, mainly soaked in alcohol. Zaluzhny, but, carried on, saying he had no way to call up the activity. &nbsp,

The Andromeda sailboat

The tale also links to European prosecutors&nbsp, attempting to prosecute one team member, a Ukrainian swimming professor, without revealing his final title. This team member allegedly had a home in Poland but has since vanished. &nbsp, The Germans are accusing the Poles of&nbsp, blockage in the case.

But, almost the entire WSJ history strains faith. &nbsp, For instance, there is a state that German authorities checked the German-registered sailboat, called the Andromeda, and they uncovered DNA, prints and signs of explosives. &nbsp,

Who is associated with the DNA and prints is never explained, nor is the kind of incendiary” traces” claimed to have been found. &nbsp, WSJ simply says that this was discovered as part of a two-year authorities research. &nbsp, Over for a long period, the Andromeda was no doubt rented out to plenty of people. Are there any variations between Russian prints and those found elsewhere?

One of the most inquisitive claims is that the Andromeda pulled into the little port city of Sandhamn, about 50 kilometers south of Stockholm, Sweden, obviously after encountering poor weather. Unknown witnesses claim that the Andromeda displayed a” little Polish flag,” according to WSJ.

The Sandhamn harbor in Sweden

The symbol of their home country is expected to be displayed on boats calling into slots. If the ship was owned by German pursuits and not documented elsewhere ( as occasionally is the case ), the Andromeda, under the name Ensigns, should have displayed the flag of Germany. &nbsp,

Because Russians rented the Andromeda, the WSJ record claimed, the flag would not be displayed.

However, this enticing truth about the emblem adds something more. No covert function to demolish a multibillion-dollar pipeline may show its national flag.

Either a Ukrainian flag and a symbol of the ship’s national origin were displayed alongside the Andromeda, or if it had been a secret procedure, it would have made no sense.

The tale of bad weather likewise comes across as fantasy. The exploded pipeline’s photos show beautiful weather.

The real question is: Where did the WSJ account come from and why would a reputable newspapers publish a story that cannot be verified using reliable sources? &nbsp,

Valerii Zaluzhny with Colonel General Oleksandr&nbsp, Syrsky ( left ) during the Battle of Kiev, March 2022.

The WSJ history has undermined both Zelensky’s and Zaluzhny’s trust. Was the WSJ prepared with the account in order to find a US company to take Zelensky and Zaluzhny’s place? Although Zaluzhny is then Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK, he was the Ukrainian Armed Forces ‘ Chief of Staff at the time of the network affair. &nbsp,

More important, he has been touted as a replacement for Zelensky. However, Zaluzhny is just as resolute about Russia as Zelensky, so it might be that he is not the most likely Eastern choice to replace the Russian leader. Therefore, WSJ may have been used to defeat Zelensky and Zaluzhny.

The article makes note of the fact that Zaluzhny, who has denied any involvement in the Nord Stream damage, is not charged by any European judges because the German government do not have any evidence to support their case. As a result, Zaluzhny, who has denied any involvement in the damage, continues to work.

Zelensky even has denied any involvement in the Nord Stream pipeline’s death.

Another writers, most notably&nbsp, former investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, have argued that Nord Stream was good destroyed in a US activity, probably with support from others. Hersh gave a detailed account of how the sabotage operation transpired. &nbsp,

He correctly notes that top US officials, including President Joe Biden and former acting undersecretary of state Victoria Nuland, openly pushed for the pipeline’s destruction. Put aside who was tasked with carrying it out once the US declared its desire for its destruction, the US found itself in a awkward position. &nbsp,

The German government has backed US denials of involvement in the pipeline scandal and attempted to pass it off to the Ukrainians. While earlier stories did not claim Zelensky’s or Zaluzhny’s involvement, the newest “leaks” are directly aimed at them. &nbsp, Germany is in lockstep with Washington.

All of this is occurring as the Ukraine war is likely in its final stages. The Kursk operation in Ukraine is blatantly intended to elicit peace talks with Russia.

Zelensky, who is associated with nationalistic right-wing elements in the army, is undoubtedly the wrong person to speak with during such discussions and probably not acceptable to the Russians. One can anticipate a more pliable stand-in to take his place at the bargaining table if he is soon gone.

ZNPP Cooling Tower in a drone attack

Zelensky, meanwhile, has a major problem with Washington that goes beyond his inflexibility. &nbsp, The Washington Post&nbsp, reported on August 17&nbsp, that the Kursk attack has derailed sensitive, secret negotiations hosted in Qatar aimed at a partial ceasefire focused on Ukraine and Russia’s energy infrastructure. &nbsp, If a deal could be reached, then it would open the door for peace negotiations. &nbsp,

The Ukrainians, led by Zelensky and military chief Oleksandr&nbsp, Syrsky, undermined the deal in four ways, namely:

( 1 ) the Kursk invasion, which incentivized the Russians to further punish Ukraine,

( 2 ) Ukraine’s attempt to drive its Kursk forces to go after the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, a goal they failed to achieve,

( 3 ) the use of long-range weapons against strong US opposition and,

( 4 ) the drone attack on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant ( ZNPP ), Europe’s largest nuclear energy facility, that destroyed one of two cooling towers. &nbsp,

Additionally, there are reliable rumors that Ukraine plans to launch a significant military operation against the ZNPP and is working on it right away. Other reports, so far unconfirmed but appearing widely on Telegram channels, claim Ukraine is preparing a “dirty bomb” to use on Russian territory.

If all of the aforementioned reports are accurate, and some of them undoubtedly are, Zelensky has gone from strength to strength for both Russia and the US.

Stephen Bryen is Asia Times ‘ senior correspondent. He served as the Near East Subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee&nbsp and as the deputy undersecretary of defense for policy. &nbsp,

This article was originally published on Weapons and Strategy, his Substack, and is republished with permission.