Thai students win medals at International Nuclear Science Olympiad

The Thai students receive their awards at the International Nuclear Science Olympiad 2024 at New Clark City, in the Philippines, on Wednesday. (Photo supplied)
The Thai kids receive their prizes at the International Nuclear Science Olympiad 2024 at New Clark City, in the Philippines, on Wednesday. ( Photo supplied )

Four Thai students won one gold medal and three silver medals at the first International Nuclear Science Olympiad 2024 ( INSO 2024 ) which&nbsp, concluded on Wednesday.

The Philippines ‘ New Clark City hosted the tournament from July 31 to August 7.

Its objectives were to promote the development of nuclear power awareness among younger people, inspire them to become the future’s changemakers, and establish a global system for nuclear power. &nbsp,

There were 55 challengers from 14 Asia-Pacific locations. The four medal-winning Thai kids are all twelfth-graders. &nbsp,

Nopparuj Sodsri of Kamnoetvidya Science Academy ( KVIS), winner of the gold medal, and Tharatep Lertpetaiy of Rittiyawannalai School, winner of the gold medal, Rawisara Chokdeepanich and Nonpawit Koheng of KVIS.

People play a significant role in safe atomic energy use. There is no reason to worry about using nuclear power if Thai citizens are effectively and properly educated about it, according to gold medalist Nopparuj at a Wednesday event hosted by the Nuclear Society of Thailand.

The 55 candidates were in squads representing their separate states, but they competed as people, according to the 1st INSO site. Additionally, they were ordered based on the scores they gathered from the two tests.

There were 37 medallists in full -&nbsp, 8 medals, 13 gold and 16 copper. Teenagers in junior and senior high class who are at or above 20 years old are among the medallists. &nbsp,

Four Thai students from left to right: Tharatep Lertpetaiy, Rawisara Chokdeepanich, Nopparuj and Sodsri Nonpawit Koheng. (Photo Atoms4Peace)

The four medal-winning Thai kids, from left to right: Tharatep Lertpetaiy, Rawisara Chokdeepanich, Nopparuj Sodsri and Nonpawit Koheng. ( Photo Atoms4Peace )