This 25-year-old has life-limiting muscular dystrophy. It’s not stopping him from cosplaying

The Toh community is close-knit, living in the same neighbourhood and seeing each other “every another day”, according to Wee Kiat, 37.

First, when Ong learned of her youngest son’s treatment, she was consumed with care. ” We were constantly thinking about when the second problem may appear, … when he’d stop standing, walking or moving”, she recalled.

She has since learned to live “day by evening” and capture every moment of joy, like this.

When it came to Wee Yang’s involvement in dress, the home did not have any problems. ” His pleasure is the most important, we’re content to be spectators”, Ong said. ” Wherever he goes, we’ll simply follow”.

If anything, Wee Kiat was pleasantly surprised at his friend’s predilection for masks and extraordinary make-up. After all, Wee Yang had always been quiet — which was the effect his physician, Chong Poh Heng, got when they first met in 2017.