Thai and Chinese officials team up against scams

In Kunming, talks are organized to discuss ways to stop international crime.

Thai and Chinese officials team up against scams
On Saturday, Thai police Anti-Trafficking in Persons ( ATPD ) representatives will meet with Chinese officials to discuss human trafficking and call center scams in China and their effects on the area. ( Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham )

Thailand’s authorities are collaborating with their Chinese rivals to combat call center and human trafficking in China.

During a visit to Kunming in the Yunnan province on Saturday, Pol Maj Gen Sarut Kwaengsopha, the head of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division ( ATPD), an update on cooperation was provided. He observed the actions of the immigration officers that while meeting with Kunming Immigration Office assistant captain, Pol Maj Gen Kong Yiping.

According to Pol Maj Gen Sarut, systems has reduced the task by about 80 %.

The Central Investigation Bureau’s inspector, Pol Lt Gen Jirabhop Bhuridej, has mandated that law enforcement agencies in the nation redouble their efforts to combat call center fraud.

He has also mandated that state firms and the ATPD speak with the ATPD about the difficulties faced by people smuggling in northeastern Myanmar. According to him, the neighboring nation serves as a foundation for some call center groups that trouble both Thailand and China.

Pol Maj Gen Sarut met with Pol Col Thatchaphong Sarawanangkun, the Thai consul- standard in Kunming, to explore the human smuggling problem.

According to Pol Maj Gen Sarut, China does not have a certain human trafficking rules. The Thai embassy in Kunming has, however, been closely monitoring the actions of swindling syndicates. He claimed that the agency has also been looking for 27 people who have fled Thailand to China for individual trafficking.

According to Pol Maj Gen Sarut, Chinese officials have also agreed to help fight child labor and trafficking. Leaders from both countries are concerned that a number of Thai youth have been discovered working illegally in Kunming.

Fresh Thai women are a source of worry because the majority of Chinese people hire them for wedding and then leave them, he said. ” But, the problem must be immediately addressed and criminals arrested”.

Pol Maj Gen Sarut even met with You Xiaowen, acting director- general of the Lancang- Amazon Integrated Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation Centre, and Jiang Shui, the council’s deputy director- standard.

The meeting highlighted the cooperation between China, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand in tackling transnational murder in the Mekong area.

The LMLECC has compiled a massive virtual collection, which representative countries can use to access records on drug smuggling, call center scam gangs, arms sneaking and human trafficking.

Mr. Jiang claimed that the center also increased border joint guards and improved security measures using cutting-edge technology.