Oil spill clean-up: Singapore to seek compensation from owner of stationary ship that was hit by another vessel

Singapore will demand payment of the damages incurred by the masters of Marine Honour, the stable vessel that pumped the oil after another ship, in exchange for the costs incurred. &nbsp,

In a response to a CNA query, the&nbsp, Maritime and Port Authority ( MPA ) said on Thursday ( Jun 20 ) that the shipowner of Marine Honour is liable for costs incurred, and that the ship has insurance coverage to meet the liability.

This is covered by the 1998 Merchant Shipping Act, which gives consequence to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damages from 1969, which was afterwards revised in 1992, according to MPA.

Prices for reasonable actions taken following the flow, resulting economic deficits, and economic harm resulting from the pollution can be assessed for statements.

After the fresh- up operation, Singapore government agencies did” get compensation for cost of all measures taken to incorporate and clean up the spill, including where damage was caused to infrastructure”, MPA said.

American Marine, the employer of Marine Honour, &nbsp, has set up a call for next- party promises by those affected. &nbsp,

They can email marinehonour]at ] helmsmanlaw.com.