China’s long and fuzzy history of ‘panda diplomacy’ – Asia Times

Chinese Premier Li Qiang announced that two “equally lovely, energetic, sweet, and younger” penguins had been given to Australia to remove Wang Wang and Fu Ni, who have resided in Adelaide for 15 years.

The loaning of pandas to different nations has long been a component of Chinese diplomacy. But what precisely is this particular take on Foreign soft energy? Why does it work? And how will it affect current Australian-China ties significantly?

China’s tiger politics from Mao to then

The Women’s Republic of China’s practice of dragon politics began in the 1950s when Chairman Mao Zedong, the newly established communist regime, began distributing panda to its socialist supporters to bolster ideological relationships and develop political kindness.

Ping Ping and Qi Qi, China’s first panda “ambassadors”, arrived in the Soviet Union in 1957 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the October Revolution, when the Bolshevik party seized power in Russia.

Then, in 1972, a pivotal moment occurred. Following US President Richard Nixon’s historic visit to Beijing, two pandas, Ling- Ling and Hsing- Hsing were gifted to the United States. This gesture exemplified a strategic change in China’s foreign policy, which is to engage with Western countries and lessen Cold War tensions.

Later that year, Japan also received two pandas, Kang Kang and Lan Lan, after normalizing diplomatic relations with China.

By 1984, under Deng Xiaoping’s leadership, panda diplomacy transitioned from outright gifts to long- term loans, embodying China’s market- orientated economic reforms.

In accordance with the lease model, pandas were loaned for significant amounts, typically US$ 500, 000 to US$ 1 million annually, with the proceeds going toward conservation projects in China. Additionally, these agreements typically lead to joint panda conservation research projects, which foster scientific collaboration while also fostering diplomatic relations.

Adelaide’s Wang Wang and Fu Ni, the only giant pandas currently in the Southern Hemisphere, came to Australia under such a deal in 2009.

Panda diplomacy has been frequently used as a symbol of China’s willingness to strengthen bilateral relations with other countries under current Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

For instance, Malaysia received two pandas in 2014 to mark the 40th anniversary of its diplomatic ties with China. Likewise, two pandas were sent to Indonesia in 2017 as part of the 60th anniversary of the countries ‘ relations.

The loan of two pandas to Germany in 2017 coincided with Xi’s visit to Berlin. He and then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel also attended the Zoo Berlin’s official opening ceremony.

Even the recent tensions between the US and China have n’t derailed panda diplomacy. Last year, the US returned three pandas – Tian Tian, Mei Xiang, and their American- born son Xiao Qi Ji ( which means” Little Miracle” in Mandarin ) – from the Smithsonian Zoo in Washington to China.

However, Xi promised to install two additional giant pandas later this year, calling them “friendship ambassadors between the Chinese and American peoples.”

Why pandas? And what are the challenges?

If it’s not already obvious, pandas are cute and charismatic. Because of their gentle demeanor, pandas have been seen as symbols of peace and friendship.

However, there is more to pandas than just their charm. They are distinctively Chinese; they are unique only in China, but they are universally recognisable. They have long drew attention to endangered and vulnerable species around the world, raising concerns like climate change. The World Wildlife Fund’s logo, in fact, is a panda, further demonstrating its appeal as a universal symbol for conservation movements.

Despite their effectiveness as ambassadors, pandas are incredibly difficult to breed in captivity, with narrow mating windows and complex needs. Wang Wang and Fu Ni, for instance, have failed to conceive at Adelaide’s zoo, despite considerable efforts.

Another difficulty is how much financial pressure pandas can put on host nations to meet the stringent standards for care.

This raises the question of whether the funding should be diverted to other initiatives that would require additional funding.

How successful will Li’s panda diplomacy be in Australia?

Li’s first stop on his tour of Australia, where he stopped in Adelaide Zoo, embodies China’s desire to stabilize and strengthen its relationship with Australia.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese requested pandas be kept in Australia during his November trip to China, and Li’s gesture is a significant diplomatic move in response to that country’s long, icy relations.

According to an empirical study conducted in the United States, panda diplomacy has been largely successful in fostering positive attitudes toward Chinese culture, people, and government.

However, pandas can only do so much. Despite improving diplomatic relations over the past year, Australians are still cautious of China’s government, according to a recent poll.

And significant difficulties are anticipated to be in store for Australia-China relations, such as the US’s strengthened security alliance, Yang Hengjun‘s imprisonment, and recent clashes between the Chinese and Australian militaries.

As such, some commentators have warned Albanese not to allow Li’s trip to become a “propaganda boon” for China. Beyond the panda diplomacy symbolism, the true measure of success of any bilateral relationship will depend on tangible policy changes and mutual trust.

Yu Tao is Associate Professor in Chinese Studies, The University of Western Australia

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