Sarawak minister pushes back against ‘orangutan diplomacy’ idea, says no need to give apes as gifts

A minister from Sarawak has rebuffed a plan to give orangutans as gifts to nations that buy Indonesian palm oil. &nbsp,

” There is no need to give away orangutans as gifts”, said Mr Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, the state’s tourism, creative industry and performing arts minister, on Monday ( May 20 ).

” If you ask me, on a personal note, I do n’t agree”, he told reporters after the launch of the Tourism Destination Resilience Workshop in the state’s capital Kuching.

Mr. Abdul Karim emphasized the significance of monkeys in Sarawak’s traditions and claimed that their biological settings in Sarawak, Sabah, and Kalimantan in Borneo were the best places for them to survive. In Indonesia, Sumatra likewise has animals.

” We look after our animals quite well. We will ensure that their environments are not damaged by cutting plants for plantations, he said, and not by dispensing them as gifts. &nbsp,

Johari Abdul Ghani, the country’s farm and goods minister, made the suggestion for Malaysia to participate in “orangutan diplomacy” earlier this month to boost relations with key palm oil importers like the European Union, India, and China. &nbsp,

Malaysia is the world’s subsequent- largest producer of hand fuel. The element is present in everything from ice cream to lotion, but oil finger production has caused biodiversity loss for the critically endangered great apes.

Mr. Johari had compared Malaysia’s plan to Beijing’s panda diplomacy as a form of soft power, stating that it was a clear demonstration of its unwavering commitment to protecting biodiversity. &nbsp,

” Malaysia cannot approach the palm oil problem defensively. Instead, he added, as cited by regional and international media, we need to admonishing Malaysia’s commitment to protecting forests and environmental sustainability to the nations of the world. &nbsp,

The imports of goods linked to deforestation were banned by the European Union last year, which could hurt the palm oil industry. Malaysia has criticised the law, calling it discriminatory. &nbsp,

On Monday, Mr Abdul Karim said Malaysia could simply give orangutan dolls, or “patung”, instead of the live animals.

According to the news website New Sarawak Tribune, Malaysia should follow China’s practice of loaning pandas rather than giving them away if there is to be an orangutan policy.

” They ( China ) can give away pandas but you do n’t own the panda. After a few years they will take it back”, he said.


Advocacy and conservation groups have also panned Mr Johari’s suggestion.

Peter John Jaban, a Sarawak activist, urged Mr. Johari to concentrate on promoting the palm oil industry as a way to improve its reputation. His orangutan diplomacy proposal demonstrated how in tune he is with contemporary conservation principles.

” This is not a commitment to biodiversity conservation. Instead, this is a gift with purchase”, he said in a May 19 statement. &nbsp,

The idea of ( Mr. Johari’s ) sending these delicate, critically endangered animals out into the world sends a clear message that Borneo no longer has rainforests where they can reside.

Mr. Jaban further stated that Mr. Johari should think about arranging with local oil palm plantation companies and international media to learn more about the conservation of orangutans in Malaysia and offer financial assistance to related projects. &nbsp,

Justice for Wildlife Malaysia, an advocacy group, said the government should take into account alternative diplomatic measures, stressing the need for more research on the plan’s potential effects and feasibility in relation to other conservation initiatives, according to Reuters.

The population of orangutans, whose name means “man of the forest” in Malay, is less than 105, 000 on the island of Borneo, according to non- governmental organisation World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ).

According to an official of Sarawak’s Forest Department, the population of orangutans is between 1, 800 and 2, 500 in the state’s national parks.

WWF Malaysia has suggested that oil palm estates should designate designated wildlife corridors that are safe for primates and has called on the Malaysian government to stop the further conversion of forests into plantations. &nbsp,